Added a quick fix for logging in to e.g. Deutsche Bank. TODO: find a general solution
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,11 +130,47 @@ open class FinTsClient(
val initDialogResponse = initDialogAfterSuccessfulChecks(dialogContext)
closeDialog(dialogContext) // TODO: only close dialog if a) bank didn't close it already and b) if a global flag is set to close dialog as actually it's not necessary
// even though it is required by specification some banks don't support retrieving user's TAN procedure by setting TAN procedure to '999'
if (bankDoesNotSupportRetrievingUsersTanProcedures(initDialogResponse)) {
return getBankAndCustomerInfoForNewUserViaAnonymousDialog(bank, customer)
return AddAccountResponse(initDialogResponse, bank, customer)
protected open fun bankDoesNotSupportRetrievingUsersTanProcedures(response: Response): Boolean {
return response.successful == false &&
response.segmentFeedbacks.flatMap { it.feedbacks }.firstOrNull { it.responseCode == 9200 &&
it.message == "Gewähltes Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren nicht unterstützt." } != null
// TODO: this is only a quick fix. Find a better and general solution
protected open fun getBankAndCustomerInfoForNewUserViaAnonymousDialog(bank: BankData, customer: CustomerData): AddAccountResponse {
val anonymousBankInfoResponse = getAnonymousBankInfo(bank)
if (anonymousBankInfoResponse.isSuccessful == false) {
return AddAccountResponse(anonymousBankInfoResponse.toResponse(), bank, customer)
else if (bank.supportedTanProcedures.isEmpty()) { // should only be a theoretical error
return AddAccountResponse(Response(true,
exception = Exception("Die TAN Verfahren der Bank konnten nicht ermittelt werden")), bank, customer) // TODO: translate
customer.supportedTanProcedures = bank.supportedTanProcedures
val dialogContext = DialogContext(bank, customer, product)
val initDialogResponse = initDialogAfterSuccessfulChecks(dialogContext)
return AddAccountResponse(initDialogResponse, bank, customer)
* According to specification synchronizing customer system id is required:
* "Die Kundensystem-ID ist beim HBCI RAH- / RDH- sowie dem PIN/TAN-Verfahren erforderlich."
@ -511,6 +547,13 @@ open class FinTsClient(
return Response(false, noTanProcedureSelected = true)
return Response(customer.isTanProcedureSelected, noTanProcedureSelected = !!!customer.isTanProcedureSelected)
protected open fun getUsersTanProcedure(customer: CustomerData) {
if (customer.supportedTanProcedures.size == 1) { // user has only one TAN procedure -> set it and we're done
customer.selectedTanProcedure = customer.supportedTanProcedures.first()
@ -522,9 +565,6 @@ open class FinTsClient(
return Response(customer.isTanProcedureSelected, noTanProcedureSelected = !!!customer.isTanProcedureSelected)
protected open fun selectSuggestedTanProcedure(customer: CustomerData): TanProcedure? {
return customer.supportedTanProcedures.firstOrNull { it.type != TanProcedureType.ChipTanUsb && it.type != TanProcedureType.SmsTan && it.type != TanProcedureType.ChipTanManuell }
?: customer.supportedTanProcedures.firstOrNull { it.type != TanProcedureType.ChipTanUsb && it.type != TanProcedureType.SmsTan }
Reference in New Issue