Matched AccountTransaction property names that ones from fints4k

This commit is contained in:
dankito 2024-09-05 23:24:06 +02:00
parent adf8cfa750
commit 713bfa4b50
2 changed files with 37 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import net.codinux.banking.client.model.config.NoArgConstructor
open class AccountTransaction(
val amount: Amount = Amount.Zero,
val amount: Amount = Amount.Zero, // TODO: a string is really bad in UI, find a better solution
val currency: String,
val unparsedReference: String, // Alternative: purpose (or Remittance information)
val reference: String, // Alternative: Remittance information, Transaction description, (payment) purpose, payment reference
* Transaction date (Buchungstag) - der Tag, an dem ein Zahlungsvorgang in das System einer Bank eingegangen ist.
@ -22,52 +22,56 @@ open class AccountTransaction(
val valueDate: LocalDate,
// deutsche Begriffe: "Transaktionspartei" oder "Beteiligte Partei"
// Englische: Transaction party (ist die beste Wahl für eine neutrale und übergreifende Beschreibung),
// Counterparty (ist nützlich in formellen oder finanziellen Kontexten), Participant (ist breiter gefasst, aber weniger präzise)
val otherPartyName: String? = null, // Alternatives: Parties involved, Transaction parties.single names: Beneficiary, Payee respectively Payer, Debtor
val otherPartyBankCode: String? = null,
val otherPartyAccountId: String? = null,
val bookingText: String? = null,
val information: String? = null,
val statementNumber: Int? = null,
val sequenceNumber: Int? = null,
val postingText: String? = null,
val openingBalance: Amount? = null,
val closingBalance: Amount? = null,
val endToEndReference: String? = null,
val statementNumber: Int? = null,
val sheetNumber: Int? = null,
val customerReference: String? = null,
val bankReference: String? = null,
val furtherInformation: String? = null,
val endToEndReference: String? = null,
val mandateReference: String? = null,
val creditorIdentifier: String? = null,
val originatorsIdentificationCode: String? = null,
val compensationAmount: String? = null,
val originalAmount: String? = null,
val sepaReference: String? = null,
val deviantOriginator: String? = null,
val deviantRecipient: String? = null,
val referenceWithNoSpecialType: String? = null,
val primaNotaNumber: String? = null,
val textKeySupplement: String? = null,
val currencyType: String? = null,
val bookingKey: String? = null,
val referenceForTheAccountOwner: String? = null,
val referenceOfTheAccountServicingInstitution: String? = null,
val supplementaryDetails: String? = null,
val journalNumber: String? = null,
val textKeyAddition: String? = null,
val transactionReferenceNumber: String? = null,
val relatedReferenceNumber: String? = null,
val orderReferenceNumber: String? = null,
val referenceNumber: String? = null,
* Storno, ob die Buchung storniert wurde(?).
* Aus:
* RC = Storno Haben
* RD = Storno Soll
val isReversal: Boolean = false,
var userSetDisplayName: String? = null,
var category: String? = null,
var notes: String? = null,
) {
val reference: String
get() = sepaReference ?: unparsedReference
open val identifier by lazy {
"$amount $currency $bookingDate $valueDate $unparsedReference $sepaReference $otherPartyName $otherPartyBankCode $otherPartyAccountId"
"$amount $currency $bookingDate $valueDate $reference $otherPartyName $otherPartyBankCode $otherPartyAccountId"
override fun toString() = "${valueDate.dayOfMonth}.${valueDate.monthNumber}.${valueDate.year} ${amount.toString().padStart(4, ' ')} ${if (currency == "EUR") "€" else currency} ${otherPartyName ?: ""} - $reference"

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@ -169,22 +169,23 @@ open class FinTs4kMapper {
mapAmount(transaction.amount), transaction.amount.currency.code, transaction.unparsedReference,
transaction.bookingDate, transaction.valueDate,
transaction.otherPartyName, transaction.otherPartyBankCode, transaction.otherPartyAccountId,
transaction.bookingText, null,
transaction.statementNumber, transaction.sequenceNumber,
mapNullableAmount(transaction.openingBalance), mapNullableAmount(transaction.closingBalance),
transaction.endToEndReference, transaction.customerReference, transaction.mandateReference,
transaction.creditorIdentifier, transaction.originatorsIdentificationCode,
transaction.compensationAmount, transaction.originalAmount,
transaction.deviantOriginator, transaction.deviantRecipient,
transaction.referenceWithNoSpecialType, transaction.primaNotaNumber, transaction.textKeySupplement,
transaction.statementNumber, transaction.sequenceNumber,
transaction.currencyType, transaction.bookingKey,
transaction.referenceForTheAccountOwner, transaction.referenceOfTheAccountServicingInstitution,
transaction.transactionReferenceNumber, transaction.relatedReferenceNumber
transaction.endToEndReference, transaction.mandateReference,
transaction.creditorIdentifier, transaction.originatorsIdentificationCode,
transaction.compensationAmount, transaction.originalAmount,
transaction.deviantOriginator, transaction.deviantRecipient,
transaction.referenceWithNoSpecialType, transaction.primaNotaNumber, transaction.textKeySupplement,
transaction.transactionReferenceNumber, transaction.relatedReferenceNumber,
protected open fun mapNullableAmount(amount: Money?) = amount?.let { mapAmount(it) }