191 lines
6.8 KiB
191 lines
6.8 KiB
import Foundation
import SwiftSoup
import fints4k // TODO: get rid of this
class FaviconFinder {
private let webClient = UrlSessionWebClient() // TODO: create interface and pass from SwiftBankIconFinder
private let urlUtil = UrlUtil()
func extractFavicons(url: String, callback: @escaping ([Favicon]) -> Void) {
webClient.getAsync(url) { response in
if response.successful, let html = response.body {
callback(self.extractFavicons(url: url, html: html))
else {
return callback([])
func extractFavicons(url: String, html: String) -> [Favicon] {
if let document = try? SwiftSoup.parse(html) {
return extractFavicons(document: document, url: url)
return []
func extractFavicons(document: Document, url: String) -> [Favicon] {
var extractedFavicons = (try? document.head()?.select("link, meta"))?.map { mapElementToFavicon($0, url) }.filter { $0 != nil } as? [Favicon] ?? []
tryToFindDefaultFavicon(url, &extractedFavicons)
return extractedFavicons
private func tryToFindDefaultFavicon(_ url: String, _ extractedFavicons: inout [Favicon]) {
let urlInstance = URL(string: url)
let defaultFaviconUrl = "\(urlInstance?.scheme ?? "https")://\(urlInstance?.host ?? "")/favicon.ico"
if containsIconWithUrl(extractedFavicons, defaultFaviconUrl) == false {
let response = webClient.head(defaultFaviconUrl)
if (response.successful) {
extractedFavicons.append(Favicon(url: defaultFaviconUrl, iconType: FaviconType.ShortcutIcon))
private func containsIconWithUrl(_ favicons: [Favicon], _ faviconUrl: String) -> Bool {
return favicons.first(where: { favicon in favicon.url == faviconUrl } ) != nil
* Possible formats are documented here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21991044/how-to-get-high-resolution-website-logo-favicon-for-a-given-url#answer-22007642
* and here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon
private func mapElementToFavicon(_ linkOrMetaElement: Element, _ siteUrl: String) -> Favicon? {
if (linkOrMetaElement.nodeName() == "link") {
return mapLinkElementToFavicon(linkOrMetaElement, siteUrl)
else if (linkOrMetaElement.nodeName() == "meta") {
return mapMetaElementToFavicon(linkOrMetaElement, siteUrl)
return nil
private func mapLinkElementToFavicon(_ linkElement: Element, _ siteUrl: String) -> Favicon? {
if linkElement.hasAttr("rel") {
if let faviconType = getFaviconTypeForLinkElements(linkElement) {
let href = try? linkElement.attr("href")
let sizes = try? linkElement.attr("sizes")
let type = try? linkElement.attr("type")
if href?.starts(with: "data:;base64") == false {
return createFavicon(url: href, siteUrl: siteUrl, iconType: faviconType, sizesString: sizes, type: type)
return nil
private func getFaviconTypeForLinkElements(_ linkElement: Element) -> FaviconType? {
if let relValue = try? linkElement.attr("rel") {
switch relValue {
case "icon":
return FaviconType.Icon
case "apple-touch-icon-precomposed":
return FaviconType.AppleTouchPrecomposed
case "apple-touch-icon":
return FaviconType.AppleTouch
case "shortcut icon":
return FaviconType.ShortcutIcon
return nil
return nil
private func mapMetaElementToFavicon(_ metaElement: Element, _ siteUrl: String) -> Favicon? {
if let content = try? metaElement.attr("content") {
if isOpenGraphImageDeclaration(metaElement) {
return createFavicon(url: content, siteUrl: siteUrl, iconType: FaviconType.OpenGraphImage, sizesString: nil, type: nil)
else if isMsTileMetaElement(metaElement) {
return createFavicon(url: content, siteUrl: siteUrl, iconType: FaviconType.MsTileImage, sizesString: nil, type: nil)
return nil
private func isOpenGraphImageDeclaration(_ metaElement: Element) -> Bool {
return metaElement.hasAttr("property")
&& "og:image" == (try? metaElement.attr("property"))
&& metaElement.hasAttr("content")
private func isMsTileMetaElement(_ metaElement: Element) -> Bool {
return metaElement.hasAttr("name")
&& "msapplication-TileImage" == (try? metaElement.attr("name"))
&& metaElement.hasAttr("content")
private func createFavicon(url: String?, siteUrl: String, iconType: FaviconType, sizesString: String?, type: String?) -> Favicon? {
if let url = url {
let urlWithoutQuery = URL(string: url)?.absoluteStringWithouthQueryAndFragment ?? url
let absoluteUrl = makeLinkAbsolute(url: urlWithoutQuery, siteUrl: siteUrl)
let size = extractSizesFromString(sizesString)
return Favicon(url: absoluteUrl, iconType: iconType, size: size, type: type)
return nil
private func makeLinkAbsolute(url: String, siteUrl: String) -> String {
return urlUtil.makeLinkAbsolute(url: url, siteUrl: siteUrl)
private func extractSizesFromString(_ sizesString: String?) -> Size? {
if let sizesString = sizesString {
let sizes = extractSizesFromString(sizesString)
if sizes.isNotEmpty {
return sizes.max(by: { lhs, rhs in lhs >= rhs } )
return nil
private func extractSizesFromString(_ sizesString: String) -> [Size] {
let sizes = sizesString.split(separator: " ").map { mapSizeString(String($0)) } as? [Size] ?? []
return sizes
private func mapSizeString(_ sizeString: String) -> Size? {
var parts = sizeString.split(separator: "x")
if parts.count != 2 {
parts = sizeString.split(separator: "×") // actually doesn't meet specification, see https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_link_sizes.asp, but New York Times uses it
if parts.count != 2 {
parts = sizeString.split(separator: "X")
if parts.count == 2 {
let width = Int(parts[0])
let height = Int(parts[1])
if let width = width, let height = height {
return Size(width: width, height: height)
return nil