Implemented ZugferdExcelCodeListsParser to parse Code Lists .xslx delivered with Zugferd specification
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ kotlin {
val phGenericodeVersion: String by project
val phGenericodeVersion: String by project
val apachePoiVersion: String = "5.3.0"
val klfVersion: String by project
val klfVersion: String by project
val assertKVersion: String by project
val assertKVersion: String by project
@ -20,6 +22,8 @@ dependencies {
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import net.codinux.invoicing.parser.excel.ZugferdExcelCodeListsParser
fun main() {
class ZugferdExcelCodeListsParserApp {
fun parse() {
val xslxFile = File(javaClass.classLoader.getResource("codeLists/3. FACTUR-X 1.0.07 FR-EN.xlsx")!!.toURI())
val result = ZugferdExcelCodeListsParser().parse(xslxFile)
if (result.isNotEmpty()) { }
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.parser.excel
import net.codinux.invoicing.parser.model.CodeListType
import net.codinux.invoicing.parser.model.Column
data class CodeList(
val type: CodeListType,
val name: String,
val url: String?,
val usedInInvoiceFields: String?,
val additionalUsedInInvoiceFields: String?,
val columns: List<Column>,
val rows: List<List<Any?>>
) {
override fun toString() = "$name${usedInInvoiceFields?.let { ", $it" } ?: ""}"
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.parser.excel
import net.codinux.invoicing.parser.model.CodeListType
import net.codinux.invoicing.parser.model.Column
import net.codinux.log.logger
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook
class ZugferdExcelCodeListsParser {
companion object {
private val TableStartColumns = listOf("Code", "English Name", "Country", "Scheme ID")
private val CodeListsWithDescription = listOf(CodeListType.UN_5189_AllowanceIdentificationCode, CodeListType.UN_7161_SpecialServiceDescriptionCodes,
CodeListType.IsoCountryCodes, CodeListType.UN_4451_TextSubjectCodeQualifier, CodeListType.UN_7143_ItemTypeIdentificationCode, CodeListType.UN_4461_PaymentCodes, CodeListType.UN_1153_ReferenceCode)
private val log by logger()
fun parse(zugferdXslxCodeListsFile: File): List<CodeList> {
val workbook = XSSFWorkbook(zugferdXslxCodeListsFile)
val sheets = workbook.sheetIterator().toList()
val codeListsSheet = sheets.firstOrNull { it.sheetName == "Codelists" }
if (codeListsSheet == null) {
log.warn { "Could not find 'Codelists' sheet in ZUGFeRD .xslx file $zugferdXslxCodeListsFile. Available sheets: ${sheets.joinToString { it.sheetName }}" }
return emptyList()
val rows = codeListsSheet.rowIterator().toList()
val links = rows.get(0).toList()
val secondRow = rows.get(1).toList()
val codeListNames = rows.get(2).toList()
val forthRow = rows.get(3).toList()
val headerNames = rows.get(4).toList()
val tableStartCells = headerNames.filter { it.stringCellValue in TableStartColumns }
return tableStartCells.mapNotNull { mapCodeList(it, rows, links, secondRow, codeListNames, forthRow, headerNames) }
private fun mapCodeList(tableStartCell: Cell, allRows: List<Row>, links: List<Cell>, secondRow: List<Cell>, codeListNames: List<Cell>, forthRow: List<Cell>, headerNames: List<Cell>): CodeList? {
try {
val startColumn = tableStartCell.columnIndex
val url = links.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
val name = codeListNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
?: secondRow.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() } // for EAS and VATEX the name is in second row
?: codeListNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn + 1 }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() } // for the country codes the name is in next column
val usedInInvoiceFields = codeListNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn + 1 }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
?: codeListNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn + 2 }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
val additionalUsedInInvoiceFields = forthRow.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn + 1 }?.stringCellValue?.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
if (name == null) { // ISO currency codes table ends with a column called "Code" (columnIndex 30), actually below warning will be logged one time
log.warn { "Could not find name for Code List table with start column index $startColumn" }
return null
val type = getType(name)
// very clever, the description is given in an extra column, now it's stated in the next row - which is empty otherwise. So we have to do a lot of special handling to the the description
val isTypeWithDescription = type in CodeListsWithDescription
// != 30: for currency Code - part of TableStartColumns - is the last column and has columnIndex 30, so don't stop here
val indexOfNextEmptyCell = (headerNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex > startColumn && it.columnIndex != 30 && (it.stringCellValue.let { it.isBlank() || it in TableStartColumns || it == "Source" }) }
?: headerNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == 53 })?.columnIndex // for last table we won't find the end otherwise
val sourceColumn = headerNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == startColumn - 1 && it.stringCellValue == "Source" }
val columns = IntRange(startColumn, indexOfNextEmptyCell?.let { it - 1 } ?: startColumn).map { index -> headerNames.firstOrNull { it.columnIndex == index } }
.mapNotNull { mapColumn(it) }.toMutableList().apply {
mapColumn(sourceColumn)?.let { add(it) }
val columnIndices = { it.index }
val descriptionColumnIndex = columns.firstOrNull { == "Meaning" }?.index ?: columnIndices.last()
// if this Code List has a description, ignore every second row, as in the second row is the description
val rows = allRows.drop(5).filterIndexed { index, _ -> isTypeWithDescription == false || index % 2 == 0 }.map { row ->
| { getCellValue(row.getCell(it)) } +
( if (isTypeWithDescription) listOf(getCellValue(allRows.get(row.rowNum + 1).getCell(descriptionColumnIndex))) else emptyList())
}.filterNot { it.all { it == null } } // filter out empty rows
if (isTypeWithDescription) {
columns.add(Column(indexOfNextEmptyCell!! - 1, "Description", "String", "Description"))
return CodeList(type, name, url, usedInInvoiceFields, additionalUsedInInvoiceFields, columns, rows)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error(e) { "Code not map Code List for start cell index ${tableStartCell.columnIndex}" }
return null
private fun getType(name: String): CodeListType = when (name) {
"ISO 3166" -> CodeListType.IsoCountryCodes
"ISO 4217" -> CodeListType.IsoCurrencyCodes
"ISO 6523" -> CodeListType.Iso_6523_IdentificationSchemeIdentifier
"UNTDID 1001" -> CodeListType.UN_1001_InvoiceType
"UNTDID 1153" -> CodeListType.UN_1153_ReferenceCode
"UNTDID 4451" -> CodeListType.UN_4451_TextSubjectCodeQualifier
"UNTDID 4461" -> CodeListType.UN_4461_PaymentCodes
"UNTDID 5189" -> CodeListType.UN_5189_AllowanceIdentificationCode
"UNTDID 7143" -> CodeListType.UN_7143_ItemTypeIdentificationCode
"UNTDID7161" -> CodeListType.UN_7161_SpecialServiceDescriptionCodes
"Unit of Measure" -> CodeListType.Units
"EAS : Electronice Address Scheme" -> CodeListType.EAS
"CEF VATEX — VAT exemption reason code" -> CodeListType.VATEX
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("No known Code List of name '$name' found")
private fun mapColumn(cell: Cell?): Column? = cell?.let {
val name = cell.stringCellValue ?: ""
return Column(cell.columnIndex, name, "String", name)
private fun getCellValue(cell: Cell?) = when (cell?.cellType) {
CellType.STRING -> cell.stringCellValue.trim().takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
CellType.NUMERIC -> cell.numericCellValue.toInt()
CellType.BLANK -> null
else -> null
private fun <T> Iterator<T>.toList(): List<T> =
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