Compare commits
No commits in common. "b9d75a6423beda509651bc7d518cb8dbb9071fc6" and "ed5f272c07ec33ed2fc7b2e473fab983fe42bc28" have entirely different histories.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ val fetchResult = emailsFetcher.fetchAllEmails(EmailAccount(
fetchResult.emails.forEach { email ->
fetchResult.emails.forEach { email ->
println("${email.sender}: ${email.attachments.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.invoice }?.totals?.duePayableAmount}")
println("${email.sender}: ${email.attachments.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.invoice }?.totalAmounts?.duePayableAmount}")
@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ fun create() {
private fun createInvoice() = Invoice(
private fun createInvoice() = Invoice(
details = InvoiceDetails("RE-00001",,
invoiceNumber = "RE-00001",
supplier = Party("codinux GmbH & Co. KG", "Fun Street 1", null, "12345", "Glückstadt"),
invoicingDate =,
customer = Party("Abzock GmbH", "Ausbeutstr.", null, "12345", "Abzockhausen"),
sender = Party("codinux GmbH & Co. KG", "Fun Street 1", "12345", "Glückstadt"),
recipient = Party("Abzock GmbH", "Ausbeutstr.", "12345", "Abzockhausen"),
items = listOf(InvoiceItem("Erbrachte Dienstleistungen", BigDecimal(170), "HUR", BigDecimal(105), BigDecimal(19))) // HUR = EN code for hour
items = listOf(InvoiceItem("Erbrachte Dienstleistungen", BigDecimal(170), "HUR", BigDecimal(105), BigDecimal(19))) // HUR = EN code for hour
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
- **Rechnungsaussteller / Rechnungsersteller / Leistungserbringer** – Invoice issuer / Invoice creator / Service provider
- **Empfänger der Rechnung / Auftraggeber / Leistungsempfänger** – Invoice recipient / Client / Service recipient
- **Rechnungsnummer** – Invoice number
- **Rechnungsdatum** – Invoice date
- **Fälligkeitsdatum** – Due date
- **Auftragsnummer** – Order number
- **Auftragsdatum** – Order date
- **Kundennummer** – Customer number
- **Kontaktperson / Kontaktadresse** – Contact person / Contact address
- **Lieferschein** – Delivery note
- **Lieferdatum** – Delivery date
**Leitweg-ID**: Routing ID
**Regierungsstellen / Regierungsbehörden**: government agencies (/ government authorities)
JetBrains Rechnung:
Invoice Details:
Reference number: INVCZ7424912
Order reference: R20162736
Tax point date: 8.3.2024
Issue date: 8.3.2024
Due date: 8.3.2024
Paid via: Credit Card
Payment Date: 8.3.2024
Transaction: VZ6HHRG7V2KJFXB2
Bill To:
Christian Dankl
Kürnbergstr. 36
81369 München
VAT ID: DE306521719
Row 1:
Customer Id
Order Date
Shipped Electronically To
Row 2:
Part Number
<Invoice item name>
All Products Pack
Product Description
Personal annual subscription with
40% continuity discount
Valid from 15.3.2024 through
Extended Price
173.00 EUR
Subtotal: 173.00 EUR
VAT Rate*: 0.00%
VAT Amount: 0.00 EUR
Total: 173.00 EUR
PAID: 173.00 EUR
Rechnungsaussteller / Leistungserbringer:
- **CII**: Seller / Supplier
- **UBL**: Supplier
Rechnungsempfänger / Auftraggeber / Leistungsempfänger:
- **CII**: Buyer / Customer
- **UBL**: Buyer / Customer
1. Rechnungsaussteller (die Partei, die die Rechnung stellt):
Seller – Das ist der häufigste Begriff und bezieht sich auf die Partei, die die Waren oder Produkte verkauft und die Rechnung ausstellt.
Supplier – Wird ebenfalls oft verwendet, besonders wenn der Fokus auf der Lieferung von Waren liegt.
Vendor – Ein weiterer sehr gebräuchlicher Begriff, vor allem im Einzelhandel und im E-Commerce.
2. Rechnungsempfänger (die Partei, die die Rechnung erhält und bezahlt):
Buyer – Der Käufer, die Partei, die die Ware oder Dienstleistung erworben hat und die Rechnung erhält.
Customer – Ein sehr allgemeiner Begriff, der häufig für alle Arten von Käufern verwendet wird, sowohl in B2B als auch in B2C.
Purchaser – Wird ebenfalls verwendet, besonders in formelleren oder vertraglichen Kontexten.
Die am häufigsten verwendeten Begriffe in Rechnungs- und Geschäftsprozessen sind:
### Für denjenigen, der die Rechnung ausstellt bzw. die Leistung erbracht hat:
- **Service provider** – Dies ist der am häufigsten verwendete Begriff, insbesondere in Dienstleistungsbranchen. Der „Service provider“ ist derjenige, der eine Dienstleistung erbringt und die Rechnung stellt.
- **Invoice issuer** oder **Invoice creator** sind zwar korrekt, aber weniger gebräuchlich und klingen formeller oder spezifischer, insbesondere im Kontext von Rechnungsstellung und Buchhaltung. **Service provider** ist der allgemeinere und häufigste Begriff, wenn man von der Leistungserbringung spricht.
### Für denjenigen, der die Rechnung erhält:
- **Client** – Dies ist der am häufigsten verwendete Begriff, besonders in geschäftlichen und dienstleistungsorientierten Kontexten. Der „Client“ ist die Person oder Organisation, die die Leistung in Anspruch nimmt und die Rechnung bezahlt.
- **Invoice recipient** ist ebenfalls korrekt, wird aber weniger häufig verwendet, da es eine sehr formale Ausdrucksweise ist.
- **Service recipient** ist auch korrekt, wird aber eher in formelleren oder spezialisierten Kontexten verwendet, z.B. in Verträgen, bei denen die Erbringung einer spezifischen Dienstleistung betont wird.
### Zusammengefasst:
- **Für denjenigen, der die Rechnung ausstellt:** **Service provider**
- **Für denjenigen, der die Rechnung erhält:** **Client**
## Client vs. Customer
Der Unterschied zwischen **Customer** und **Client** im Kontext von CII/UBL und allgemeiner Geschäftsbeziehung ist subtil, aber dennoch wichtig. Die Begriffe haben unterschiedliche Konnotationen, abhängig von der Art der Transaktion und dem zugrunde liegenden Geschäftsmodell.
### **1. Customer (CII / UBL)**
- **Kontext**: Der Begriff **Customer** ist weit verbreitet und bezieht sich auf eine Person oder Organisation, die **Waren** oder **Dienstleistungen** kauft. In den **CII** und **UBL** XML-Formaten wird der Begriff "Customer" verwendet, um den Empfänger einer Rechnung zu bezeichnen – also die Partei, die das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung **erwirbt** und **bezahlt**.
- **Verwendung**:
- **B2C (Business-to-Consumer)**: Der Begriff **Customer** wird insbesondere in B2C-Transaktionen verwendet, also bei der Interaktion zwischen einem Unternehmen und einem Endverbraucher.
- **B2B (Business-to-Business)**: Auch im B2B-Kontext wird der Begriff oft verwendet, wenn eine Firma Waren oder Dienstleistungen an eine andere Firma verkauft.
- **Beispiel**: Ein Online-Shop verkauft ein Produkt an einen Endverbraucher. Der Endverbraucher ist der **Customer** des Shops.
### **2. Client (Allgemein)**
- **Kontext**: Der Begriff **Client** ist etwas **formeller** und wird häufiger in bestimmten **Dienstleistungsbranchen** oder in längerfristigen **geschäftlichen Beziehungen** verwendet, wo eine kontinuierliche Betreuung oder ein fortlaufender Service erforderlich ist. Er bezeichnet häufig eine Person oder Organisation, die **eine Dienstleistung in Anspruch nimmt** und häufig eine engere, individuellere Geschäftsbeziehung pflegt.
- **Verwendung**:
- **Dienstleistungsbranche**: **Client** wird vor allem in Bereichen wie **Beratung, Finanzdienstleistungen, Recht, IT-Dienstleistungen** und anderen beratungsintensiven Branchen verwendet.
- **Längerfristige Beziehungen**: Der Begriff wird auch verwendet, wenn es eine **langfristige Geschäftsbeziehung** gibt, wie z.B. bei regelmäßigen Verträgen oder individuellen Dienstleistungen.
- **Beispiel**: Ein Beratungsunternehmen stellt einem Unternehmen eine Rechnung für eine langfristige Dienstleistung. Das Unternehmen ist der **Client** des Beratungsunternehmens.
### **Wichtige Unterschiede**:
- **Customer** ist eher allgemein und bezieht sich auf **jeden Käufer** von Waren oder Dienstleistungen, egal ob in einem **einmaligen Kauf** oder einer **langfristigen Beziehung**. Der Begriff ist besonders in **B2C** und **Einzelhandelskontexten** verbreitet.
- **Client** wird eher in **dienstleistungsorientierten** und **langfristigen** Geschäftsbeziehungen verwendet und suggeriert eine **individuellere, oft persönlichere Beziehung**. Es geht um eine **Dienstleistung** oder **Beratung**, die über einen längeren Zeitraum erfolgt und typischerweise mit einem **Vertrag** oder einer regelmäßigen Interaktion verbunden ist.
### Fazit:
- **Customer** (CII/UBL) ist der häufigere und allgemeinere Begriff für den Empfänger einer Rechnung in den meisten **Warenkauf**-Szenarien und auch in **B2C**-Transaktionen.
- **Client** wird häufig in einem **Dienstleistungszusammenhang** verwendet, besonders wenn es um langfristige Beziehungen oder maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungen geht.
Im Kontext von **CII** und **UBL**, die häufig für **Produktkäufe** und **Warenlieferungen** verwendet werden, ist **Customer** also der passendere Begriff, während **Client** in einem Geschäfts- oder Beratungsdienstleistungsumfeld gebräuchlicher wäre.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class InvoicingResource(
private fun createPdfFileResponse(pdfFile: java.nio.file.Path, invoice: Invoice): Response =
private fun createPdfFileResponse(pdfFile: java.nio.file.Path, invoice: Invoice): Response =
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"${invoice.details.invoiceDate.toString().replace('-', '.')} ${} ${invoice.details.invoiceNumber}.pdf\"")
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"${invoice.invoicingDate.toString().replace('-', '.')} ${} ${invoice.invoiceNumber}.pdf\"")
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ open class EmailsFetcher(
open fun checkCredentials(account: EmailAccount): CheckCredentialsResult {
open fun checkCredentials(account: EmailAccount): CheckCredentialsResult {
try {
try {
val status = connect(account, FetchEmailsOptions())
val status = connect(account, FetchEmailsOptions(showDebugOutputOnConsole = true))
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ open class EmailsFetcher(
// executed, making the overall process very slow -> use FetchProfile to prefetch requested data with a single request
// executed, making the overall process very slow -> use FetchProfile to prefetch requested data with a single request
folder.fetch(messages, getFetchProfile(status))
folder.fetch(messages, getFetchProfile(status))
messages.reversed().mapNotNull { message ->
messages.mapNotNull { message ->
async(coroutineDispatcher) {
async(coroutineDispatcher) {
try {
try {
getEmail(message, status)
getEmail(message, status)
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.mapper
package net.codinux.invoicing.mapper
import net.codinux.invoicing.calculator.AmountsCalculator
import net.codinux.invoicing.calculator.AmountsCalculator
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.*
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.AmountAdjustments
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.ChargeOrAllowance
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.InvoiceItem
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.Party
import org.mustangproject.*
import org.mustangproject.*
import org.mustangproject.BankDetails
import org.mustangproject.Invoice
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IExportableTransaction
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IExportableTransaction
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IZUGFeRDExportableItem
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IZUGFeRDExportableItem
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigDecimal
@ -18,17 +19,17 @@ open class MustangMapper(
) {
) {
open fun mapToTransaction(invoice: net.codinux.invoicing.model.Invoice): IExportableTransaction = Invoice().apply {
open fun mapToTransaction(invoice: net.codinux.invoicing.model.Invoice): IExportableTransaction = Invoice().apply {
this.number = invoice.details.invoiceNumber
this.number = invoice.invoiceNumber
this.issueDate = map(invoice.details.invoiceDate)
this.issueDate = map(invoice.invoicingDate)
this.sender = mapParty(invoice.supplier)
this.sender = mapParty(invoice.sender)
this.recipient = mapParty(invoice.customer)
this.recipient = mapParty(invoice.recipient)
this.setZFItems(ArrayList( { mapLineItem(it) }))
this.setZFItems(ArrayList( { mapLineItem(it) }))
this.dueDate = map(invoice.details.dueDate)
this.dueDate = map(invoice.dueDate)
this.paymentTermDescription = invoice.details.paymentDescription
this.paymentTermDescription = invoice.paymentDescription
this.referenceNumber = invoice.customerReferenceNumber
this.referenceNumber = invoice.buyerReference
invoice.amountAdjustments?.let { adjustments ->
invoice.amountAdjustments?.let { adjustments ->
this.totalPrepaidAmount = adjustments.prepaidAmounts
this.totalPrepaidAmount = adjustments.prepaidAmounts
@ -36,16 +37,14 @@ open class MustangMapper(
adjustments.allowances.forEach { this.addAllowance(mapAllowance(it)) }
adjustments.allowances.forEach { this.addAllowance(mapAllowance(it)) }
if (invoice.totals == null) {
if (invoice.totalAmounts == null) {
invoice.totals = calculator.calculateTotalAmounts(this)
invoice.totalAmounts = calculator.calculateTotalAmounts(this)
open fun mapParty(party: Party): TradeParty = TradeParty(
open fun mapParty(party: Party): TradeParty = TradeParty(
||||||, party.address, party.postalCode,, party.countryIsoCode
|, party.street, party.postalCode,, party.countryIsoCode
).apply {
).apply {
// TODO: description?
// TODO: description?
@ -64,10 +63,7 @@ open class MustangMapper(
open fun mapLineItem(item: InvoiceItem): IZUGFeRDExportableItem = Item(
open fun mapLineItem(item: InvoiceItem): IZUGFeRDExportableItem = Item(
// description has to be an empty string if not set
// description has to be an empty string if not set
Product(, item.description ?: "", item.unit, item.vatRate).apply {
Product(, item.description ?: "", item.unit, item.vatRate), item.unitPrice, item.quantity
this.sellerAssignedID = item.articleNumber // TODO: what is the articleNumber? sellerAssignedId, globalId, ...?
item.unitPrice, item.quantity
).apply {
).apply {
@ -94,27 +90,30 @@ open class MustangMapper(
open fun mapToInvoice(invoice: Invoice) = net.codinux.invoicing.model.Invoice(
open fun mapToInvoice(invoice: Invoice) = net.codinux.invoicing.model.Invoice(
details = InvoiceDetails(invoice.number, map(invoice.issueDate), map(invoice.dueDate ?: invoice.paymentTerms?.dueDate), invoice.paymentTermDescription ?: invoice.paymentTerms?.description),
invoiceNumber = invoice.number,
invoicingDate = map(invoice.issueDate),
supplier = mapParty(invoice.sender),
sender = mapParty(invoice.sender),
customer = mapParty(invoice.recipient),
recipient = mapParty(invoice.recipient),
items = { mapLineItem(it) },
items = { mapLineItem(it) },
customerReferenceNumber = invoice.referenceNumber,
dueDate = map(invoice.dueDate ?: invoice.paymentTerms?.dueDate),
paymentDescription = invoice.paymentTermDescription ?: invoice.paymentTerms?.description,
buyerReference = invoice.referenceNumber,
amountAdjustments = mapAmountAdjustments(invoice),
amountAdjustments = mapAmountAdjustments(invoice),
totals = calculator.calculateTotalAmounts(invoice)
totalAmounts = calculator.calculateTotalAmounts(invoice)
open fun mapParty(party: TradeParty) = Party(
open fun mapParty(party: TradeParty) = Party(
||||||, party.street, party.additionalAddress,, party.location,, party.vatID,
|, party.street,, party.location,, party.vatID,
|||||| ?:,,,,
| ?:,,,,
party.bankDetails?.firstOrNull()?.let { net.codinux.invoicing.model.BankDetails(it.iban, it.bic, it.accountName) }
party.bankDetails?.firstOrNull()?.let { net.codinux.invoicing.model.BankDetails(it.iban, it.bic, it.accountName) }
open fun mapLineItem(item: IZUGFeRDExportableItem) = InvoiceItem(
open fun mapLineItem(item: IZUGFeRDExportableItem) = InvoiceItem(
||||||, item.quantity, item.product.unit, item.price, item.product.vatPercent, item.product.sellerAssignedID, item.product.description.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
|, item.quantity, item.product.unit, item.price, item.product.vatPercent, item.product.description.takeUnless { it.isBlank() }
protected open fun mapAmountAdjustments(invoice: Invoice): AmountAdjustments? {
protected open fun mapAmountAdjustments(invoice: Invoice): AmountAdjustments? {
@ -1,26 +1,21 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.model
package net.codinux.invoicing.model
import java.time.LocalDate
class Invoice(
class Invoice(
val details: InvoiceDetails,
val invoiceNumber: String,
val supplier: Party,
val invoicingDate: LocalDate,
val customer: Party,
val sender: Party,
val recipient: Party,
val items: List<InvoiceItem>,
val items: List<InvoiceItem>,
val dueDate: LocalDate? = null,
val paymentDescription: String? = null,
* An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes.
* Unique reference number of the buyer, e.g. the Leitweg-ID required by German authorities (Behörden)
* The identifier is defined by the Buyer (e.g. contact ID, department, office id, project code), but provided by the
* Seller in the Invoice.
* In XRechnung mandatory for invoices to government agencies in Germany (B2G and G2G) to set the Leitweg-ID here.
* From XRechnung specification:
* "Anmerkung: Im Rahmen des Steuerungsprojekts eRechnung ist mit der so genannten Leitweg-ID eine Zuord-
* nungsmöglichkeit entwickelt worden, deren verbindliche Nutzung von Bund und mehreren Ländern vorgegeben
* wird. Die Leitweg-ID ist prinzipiell für Bund, Länder und Kommunen einsetzbar (B2G, G2G). Für die Darstellung
* der Leitweg-ID wird das in XRechnung verpflichtende Feld Buyer Reference benutzt."
val customerReferenceNumber: String? = null,
val buyerReference: String? = null,
val amountAdjustments: AmountAdjustments? = null,
val amountAdjustments: AmountAdjustments? = null,
@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ class Invoice(
* For outgoing invoices: You don't have to calculate them, we do this for you. This ensures that all total amounts
* For outgoing invoices: You don't have to calculate them, we do this for you. This ensures that all total amounts
* are in accordance to other data of the invoice like the invoice item amounts and amount adjustments.
* are in accordance to other data of the invoice like the invoice item amounts and amount adjustments.
var totals: TotalAmounts? = null
var totalAmounts: TotalAmounts? = null
) {
) {
override fun toString() = "$details to $customer ${totals?.duePayableAmount?.let { " (${it.toPlainString()})" } ?: ""}"
override fun toString() = "$invoicingDate $invoiceNumber to $recipient ${totalAmounts?.duePayableAmount?.let { " (${it.toPlainString()})" } ?: ""}"
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.model
import java.time.LocalDate
class InvoiceDetails(
val invoiceNumber: String,
val invoiceDate: LocalDate,
val dueDate: LocalDate? = null,
val paymentDescription: String? = null,
) {
override fun toString() = "$invoiceDate $invoiceNumber"
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ class InvoiceItem(
val unit: String,
val unit: String,
val unitPrice: BigDecimal,
val unitPrice: BigDecimal,
val vatRate: BigDecimal,
val vatRate: BigDecimal,
val articleNumber: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
) {
) {
override fun toString() = "$name, $quantity x $unitPrice, $vatRate %"
override fun toString() = "$name, $quantity x $unitPrice, $vatRate %"
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ class Party(
* Party's street and house number.
* Party's street and house number.
val address: String,
val street: String,
val additionalAddressLine: String? = null,
var postalCode: String?,
var postalCode: String?,
val city: String,
val city: String,
@ -25,12 +24,6 @@ class Party(
// actually there can be multiple bankDetails in eInvoice data model
// actually there can be multiple bankDetails in eInvoice data model
val bankDetails: BankDetails? = null,
val bankDetails: BankDetails? = null,
* Currently only used to display the logo of the supplier in generated PDF. There is an element for it in Factur-X
* and XRechnung, but the underlying library doesn't map it.
val logoUrl: String? = null,
) {
) {
override fun toString() = "$name, $city"
override fun toString() = "$name, $city"
@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ package net.codinux.invoicing
import net.codinux.invoicing.creation.EInvoiceCreator
import net.codinux.invoicing.creation.EInvoiceCreator
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.*
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.EInvoiceXmlFormat
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.Invoice
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.InvoiceItem
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.Party
import net.codinux.invoicing.reader.EInvoiceReader
import net.codinux.invoicing.reader.EInvoiceReader
import net.codinux.invoicing.validation.EInvoiceValidator
import net.codinux.invoicing.validation.EInvoiceValidator
@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ class Demonstration {
fetchResult.emails.forEach { email ->
fetchResult.emails.forEach { email ->
println("${email.sender}: ${email.attachments.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.invoice }?.totals?.duePayableAmount}")
println("${email.sender}: ${email.attachments.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.invoice }?.totalAmounts?.duePayableAmount}")
@ -81,9 +84,10 @@ class Demonstration {
private fun createInvoice() = Invoice(
private fun createInvoice() = Invoice(
details = InvoiceDetails("RE-00001",,
invoiceNumber = "RE-00001",
supplier = Party("codinux GmbH & Co. KG", "Fun Street 1", null, "12345", "Glückstadt"),
invoicingDate =,
customer = Party("Abzock GmbH", "Ausbeutstr.", null, "12345", "Abzockhausen"),
sender = Party("codinux GmbH & Co. KG", "Fun Street 1", "12345", "Glückstadt"),
recipient = Party("Abzock GmbH", "Ausbeutstr.", "12345", "Abzockhausen"),
items = listOf(InvoiceItem("Erbrachte Dienstleistungen", BigDecimal(170), "HUR", BigDecimal(1_000_000), BigDecimal(19))) // HUR = EN code for hour
items = listOf(InvoiceItem("Erbrachte Dienstleistungen", BigDecimal(170), "HUR", BigDecimal(1_000_000), BigDecimal(19))) // HUR = EN code for hour
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.test
package net.codinux.invoicing.test
import net.codinux.invoicing.calculator.AmountsCalculator
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.BankDetails
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.*
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.Invoice
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.InvoiceItem
import net.codinux.invoicing.model.Party
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
@ -9,70 +11,63 @@ import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
object DataGenerator {
object DataGenerator {
const val InvoiceNumber = "12345"
const val InvoiceNumber = "12345"
val InvoiceDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 10, 21)
val InvoicingDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 10, 21)
val DueDate = LocalDate.of(2016, 6, 15)
val DueDate = LocalDate.of(2016, 6, 15)
const val SupplierName = "Hochwürdiger Leistungserbringer"
const val SenderName = "Hochwürdiger Leistungserbringer"
const val SupplierAddress = "Fun Street 1"
const val SenderStreet = "Fun Street 1"
val SupplierAdditionalAddressLine: String? = null
const val SenderPostalCode = "12345"
const val SupplierPostalCode = "12345"
const val SenderCity = "Glückstadt"
const val SupplierCity = "Glückstadt"
const val SenderCountry = "DE"
const val SupplierCountry = "DE"
const val SenderVatId = "DE123456789"
const val SupplierVatId = "DE123456789"
const val SenderEmail = ""
const val SupplierEmail = ""
const val SenderPhone = "+4917012345678"
const val SupplierPhone = "+4917012345678"
val SenderBankDetails = BankDetails("DE00123456780987654321", "ABZODEFFXXX", "Manuela Musterfrau")
val SupplierFax: String? = null
val SupplierBankDetails = BankDetails("DE00123456780987654321", "ABZODEFFXXX", "Manuela Musterfrau", "Abzock-Bank")
const val CustomerName = "Untertänigster Leistungsempfänger"
const val RecipientName = "Untertänigster Leistungsempfänger"
const val CustomerAddress = "Party Street 1"
const val RecipientStreet = "Party Street 1"
val CustomerAdditionalAddressLine: String? = null
const val RecipientPostalCode = SenderPostalCode
const val CustomerPostalCode = SupplierPostalCode
const val RecipientCity = SenderCity
const val CustomerCity = SupplierCity
const val RecipientCountry = "DE"
const val CustomerCountry = "DE"
const val RecipientVatId = "DE987654321"
const val CustomerVatId = "DE987654321"
const val RecipientEmail = "exploiter@your.boss"
const val CustomerEmail = "exploiter@your.boss"
const val RecipientPhone = "+491234567890"
const val CustomerPhone = "+491234567890"
val RecipientBankDetails: BankDetails? = null
val CustomerFax: String? = null
val CustomerBankDetails: BankDetails? = null
const val ItemName = "Erbrachte Dienstleistungen"
const val ItemName = "Erbrachte Dienstleistungen"
val ItemQuantity = BigDecimal(1)
val ItemQuantity = BigDecimal(1)
const val ItemUnit = "HUR" // EN code for 'hour'
const val ItemUnit = "HUR" // EN code for 'hour'
val ItemUnitPrice = BigDecimal(99)
val ItemUnitPrice = BigDecimal(99)
val ItemVatRate = BigDecimal(19)
val ItemVatRate = BigDecimal(19)
val ItemArticleNumber: String? = null
val ItemDescription: String? = null
val ItemDescription: String? = null
fun createInvoice(
fun createInvoice(
invoiceNumber: String = InvoiceNumber,
invoiceNumber: String = InvoiceNumber,
invoiceDate: LocalDate = InvoiceDate,
invoicingDate: LocalDate = InvoicingDate,
supplier: Party = createParty(SupplierName, SupplierAddress, SupplierAdditionalAddressLine, SupplierPostalCode, SupplierCity, SupplierCountry,
sender: Party = createParty(SenderName, SenderStreet, SenderPostalCode, SenderCity, SenderCountry, SenderVatId, SenderEmail, SenderPhone,
SupplierVatId, SupplierEmail, SupplierPhone, SupplierFax, bankDetails = SupplierBankDetails),
bankDetails = SenderBankDetails),
customer: Party = createParty(CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerAdditionalAddressLine, CustomerPostalCode, CustomerCity, CustomerCountry,
recipient: Party = createParty(RecipientName, RecipientStreet, RecipientPostalCode, RecipientCity, RecipientCountry, RecipientVatId, RecipientEmail, RecipientPhone,
CustomerVatId, CustomerEmail, CustomerPhone, CustomerFax, bankDetails = CustomerBankDetails),
bankDetails = RecipientBankDetails),
items: List<InvoiceItem> = listOf(createItem()),
items: List<InvoiceItem> = listOf(createItem()),
dueDate: LocalDate? = DueDate,
dueDate: LocalDate? = DueDate,
paymentDescription: String? = dueDate?.let { "Zahlbar ohne Abzug bis ${DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy").format(dueDate)}" },
paymentDescription: String? = dueDate?.let { "Zahlbar ohne Abzug bis ${DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy").format(dueDate)}" },
) = Invoice(InvoiceDetails(invoiceNumber, invoiceDate, dueDate, paymentDescription), supplier, customer, items).apply {
buyerReference: String? = null
this.totals = AmountsCalculator().calculateTotalAmounts(this)
) = Invoice(invoiceNumber, invoicingDate, sender, recipient, items, dueDate, paymentDescription, buyerReference)
fun createParty(
fun createParty(
name: String,
name: String,
address: String = SupplierAddress,
streetName: String = SenderStreet,
additionalAddressLine: String? = SupplierAdditionalAddressLine,
postalCode: String = SenderPostalCode,
postalCode: String = SupplierPostalCode,
city: String = SenderCity,
city: String = SupplierCity,
country: String? = SenderCountry,
country: String? = SupplierCountry,
vatId: String? = SenderVatId,
vatId: String? = SupplierVatId,
email: String? = SenderEmail,
email: String? = SupplierEmail,
phone: String? = SenderPhone,
phone: String? = SupplierPhone,
fax: String? = null,
fax: String? = SupplierFax,
contactName: String? = null,
contactName: String? = null,
bankDetails: BankDetails? = null
bankDetails: BankDetails? = null
) = Party(name, address, additionalAddressLine, postalCode, city, country, vatId, email, phone, fax, contactName, bankDetails)
) = Party(name, streetName, postalCode, city, country, vatId, email, phone, fax, contactName, bankDetails)
fun createItem(
fun createItem(
name: String = ItemName,
name: String = ItemName,
@ -80,8 +75,7 @@ object DataGenerator {
unit: String = ItemUnit,
unit: String = ItemUnit,
unitPrice: BigDecimal = ItemUnitPrice,
unitPrice: BigDecimal = ItemUnitPrice,
vatRate: BigDecimal = ItemVatRate,
vatRate: BigDecimal = ItemVatRate,
articleNumber: String? = ItemArticleNumber,
description: String? = ItemDescription,
description: String? = ItemDescription,
) = InvoiceItem(name, quantity, unit, unitPrice, vatRate, articleNumber, description)
) = InvoiceItem(name, quantity, unit, unitPrice, vatRate, description)
@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ object InvoiceAsserter {
val asserter = XPathAsserter(xml)
val asserter = XPathAsserter(xml)
asserter.xpathHasValue("//rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:ID", DataGenerator.InvoiceNumber)
asserter.xpathHasValue("//rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:ID", DataGenerator.InvoiceNumber)
asserter.xpathHasValue("//rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:IssueDateTime/udt:DateTimeString", DataGenerator.InvoiceDate.toString().replace("-", ""))
asserter.xpathHasValue("//rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:IssueDateTime/udt:DateTimeString", DataGenerator.InvoicingDate.toString().replace("-", ""))
val supplierXPath = "//rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty"
val senderXPath = "//rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty"
assertParty(asserter, supplierXPath, DataGenerator.SupplierName, DataGenerator.SupplierAddress, DataGenerator.SupplierPostalCode, DataGenerator.SupplierCity, DataGenerator.SupplierVatId, DataGenerator.SupplierEmail, DataGenerator.SupplierPhone)
assertParty(asserter, senderXPath, DataGenerator.SenderName, DataGenerator.SenderStreet, DataGenerator.SenderPostalCode, DataGenerator.SenderCity, DataGenerator.SenderVatId, DataGenerator.SenderEmail, DataGenerator.SenderPhone)
val customerXPath = "//rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:BuyerTradeParty"
val receiverXPath = "//rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:BuyerTradeParty"
assertParty(asserter, customerXPath, DataGenerator.CustomerName, DataGenerator.CustomerAddress, DataGenerator.CustomerPostalCode, DataGenerator.CustomerCity, DataGenerator.CustomerVatId, DataGenerator.CustomerEmail, DataGenerator.CustomerPhone)
assertParty(asserter, receiverXPath, DataGenerator.RecipientName, DataGenerator.RecipientStreet, DataGenerator.RecipientPostalCode, DataGenerator.RecipientCity, DataGenerator.RecipientVatId, DataGenerator.RecipientEmail, DataGenerator.RecipientPhone)
val lineItemXPath = "//rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem"
val lineItemXPath = "//rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem"
assertLineItem(asserter, lineItemXPath, DataGenerator.ItemName, DataGenerator.ItemQuantity, DataGenerator.ItemUnit, DataGenerator.ItemUnitPrice, DataGenerator.ItemVatRate, DataGenerator.ItemDescription)
assertLineItem(asserter, lineItemXPath, DataGenerator.ItemName, DataGenerator.ItemQuantity, DataGenerator.ItemUnit, DataGenerator.ItemUnitPrice, DataGenerator.ItemVatRate, DataGenerator.ItemDescription)
private fun assertParty(asserter: XPathAsserter, partyXPath: String, name: String, address: String, postalCode: String, city: String, vatId: String, email: String, phone: String) {
private fun assertParty(asserter: XPathAsserter, partyXPath: String, name: String, street: String, postalCode: String, city: String, vatId: String, email: String, phone: String) {
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:Name", name)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:Name", name)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:LineOne", address)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:LineOne", street)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:PostcodeCode", postalCode)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:PostcodeCode", postalCode)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:CityName", city)
asserter.xpathHasValue("$partyXPath/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:CityName", city)
@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ object InvoiceAsserter {
fun assertInvoice(invoice: Invoice?) {
fun assertInvoice(invoice: Invoice?) {
assertParty(invoice.supplier, DataGenerator.SupplierName, DataGenerator.SupplierAddress, DataGenerator.SupplierPostalCode, DataGenerator.SupplierCity, DataGenerator.SupplierCountry, DataGenerator.SupplierVatId, DataGenerator.SupplierEmail, DataGenerator.SupplierPhone, DataGenerator.SupplierBankDetails)
assertParty(invoice.sender, DataGenerator.SenderName, DataGenerator.SenderStreet, DataGenerator.SenderPostalCode, DataGenerator.SenderCity, DataGenerator.SenderCountry, DataGenerator.SenderVatId, DataGenerator.SenderEmail, DataGenerator.SenderPhone, DataGenerator.SenderBankDetails)
assertParty(invoice.customer, DataGenerator.CustomerName, DataGenerator.CustomerAddress, DataGenerator.CustomerPostalCode, DataGenerator.CustomerCity, DataGenerator.CustomerCountry, DataGenerator.CustomerVatId, DataGenerator.CustomerEmail, DataGenerator.CustomerPhone, DataGenerator.CustomerBankDetails)
assertParty(invoice.recipient, DataGenerator.RecipientName, DataGenerator.RecipientStreet, DataGenerator.RecipientPostalCode, DataGenerator.RecipientCity, DataGenerator.RecipientCountry, DataGenerator.RecipientVatId, DataGenerator.RecipientEmail, DataGenerator.RecipientPhone, DataGenerator.RecipientBankDetails)
assertLineItem(invoice.items.first(), DataGenerator.ItemName, DataGenerator.ItemQuantity, DataGenerator.ItemUnit, DataGenerator.ItemUnitPrice, DataGenerator.ItemVatRate, DataGenerator.ItemDescription)
assertLineItem(invoice.items.first(), DataGenerator.ItemName, DataGenerator.ItemQuantity, DataGenerator.ItemUnit, DataGenerator.ItemUnitPrice, DataGenerator.ItemVatRate, DataGenerator.ItemDescription)
private fun assertParty(party: Party, name: String, address: String, postalCode: String, city: String, country: String?, vatId: String, email: String, phone: String, bankDetails: BankDetails?) {
private fun assertParty(party: Party, name: String, street: String, postalCode: String, city: String, country: String?, vatId: String, email: String, phone: String, bankDetails: BankDetails?) {
@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ pdfboxTextExtractor=0.6.1
# only used for tests
# only used for tests
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
plugins {
kotlin {
java {
val openHtmlToPdfVersion: String by project
val jsoupVersion: String by project
val klfVersion: String by project
val assertKVersion: String by project
val logbackVersion: String by project
dependencies {
tasks.test {
ext["customArtifactId"] = "invoice-creator"
apply(from = "../gradle/scripts/publish-codinux-repo.gradle.kts")
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.pdf
import com.openhtmltopdf.pdfboxout.PdfRendererBuilder
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.helper.W3CDom
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import java.nio.file.FileSystems
open class OpenHtmlToPdfHtmlToPdfConverter {
open fun renderHtml(htmlFile: File, outputFile: File) =
renderHtml(htmlFile.readText(), outputFile)
open fun renderHtml(html: String, outputFile: File) {
val doc = createWellFormedHtml(html)
xhtmlToPdf(doc, outputFile)
protected open fun xhtmlToPdf(doc: Document, outputPdf: File) {
outputPdf.outputStream().use { output ->
val baseUri = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/src/main/resources")
val builder = PdfRendererBuilder()
builder.withW3cDocument(W3CDom().fromJsoup(doc), baseUri)
protected open fun createWellFormedHtml(html: String): Document =
Jsoup.parse(html, {
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package net.codinux.invoicing.pdf
object ResourceUtil {
fun getResourceUrl(resourcePath: String): URL? =
fun getResourceAsStream(resourcePath: String): InputStream =
fun getResourceBytes(resourcePath: String): ByteArray =
getResourceAsStream(resourcePath).use {
fun getResourceAsText(resourcePath: String): String =
getResourceAsStream(resourcePath).use { inputStream ->
inputStream.reader().use { it.readText() }
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<!-- encoders are assigned the type
ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default -->
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
<!-- Insert the current time formatted as "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss" under
the key "bySecond" into the logger context. This value will be
available to all subsequent configuration elements. -->
<timestamp key="bySecond" datePattern="yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"/>
<root level="ALL">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<!-- Apache FOP will flood otherwise the log so that test run crashes -->
<logger name="org.apache.fop" level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<logger name="org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.spi.ImageImplRegistry" level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
@ -28,6 +28,4 @@ = "eInvoicing"
Reference in New Issue