56 lines
1.8 KiB
56 lines
1.8 KiB
import net.dankito.banking.fints.FinTsClientDeprecated
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.AccountTransaction
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.AddAccountParameter
import react.RBuilder
import react.RComponent
import react.Props
import react.State
import react.dom.*
import styled.styledDiv
external interface AccountTransactionsViewProps : Props {
var client: FinTsClientDeprecated
data class AccountTransactionsViewState(val balance: String, val transactions: Collection<AccountTransaction>) : State
class AccountTransactionsView(props: AccountTransactionsViewProps) : RComponent<AccountTransactionsViewProps, AccountTransactionsViewState>(props) {
init {
state = AccountTransactionsViewState("", listOf())
// due to CORS your bank's servers can not be requested directly from browser -> set a CORS proxy url in main.kt
// TODO: set your credentials here
props.client.addAccountAsync(AddAccountParameter("", "", "", "")) { response ->
if (response.successful) {
val balance = response.retrievedData.sumOf { it.balance?.amount?.string?.replace(',', '.')?.toDoubleOrNull() ?: 0.0 } // i know, double is not an appropriate data type for amounts
setState(AccountTransactionsViewState(balance.toString() + " " + (response.retrievedData.firstOrNull()?.balance?.currency ?: ""), response.retrievedData.flatMap { it.bookedTransactions }))
override fun RBuilder.render() {
p {
+"Saldo: ${state.balance}"
div {
state.transactions.forEach { transaction ->
div {
styledDiv {
if (transaction.showOtherPartyName) {
div { transaction.otherPartyName }
div {