Added convenience constructors for languages not supporting default values

This commit is contained in:
dankito 2020-07-18 15:21:17 +02:00
parent 427b47a324
commit 3ed323cd69
4 changed files with 33 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,16 @@ open class AccountTransaction(
// for object deserializers
internal constructor() : this(BankAccount(), null, "", BigDecimal.Zero, Date(), null)
/* convenience constructors for languages not supporting default values */
constructor(bankAccount: BankAccount, otherPartyName: String?, unparsedUsage: String, amount: BigDecimal, valueDate: Date, bookingText: String?)
: this(bankAccount, amount, "EUR", unparsedUsage, valueDate,
otherPartyName, null, null, bookingText, valueDate)
constructor(bankAccount: BankAccount, amount: BigDecimal, currency: String, unparsedUsage: String, bookingDate: Date,
otherPartyName: String?, otherPartyBankCode: String?, otherPartyAccountId: String?,
bookingText: String?, valueDate: Date)
@ -61,10 +71,7 @@ open class AccountTransaction(
otherPartyName, otherPartyBankCode, otherPartyAccountId, bookingText, valueDate,
0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "", "", null, null, "", null)
// for object deserializers
internal constructor() : this(BankAccount(), BigDecimal.Zero, "","", Date(), null, null, null, null, Date(), 0, null, BigDecimal.Zero, BigDecimal.Zero,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, "", "", null, null, "", null)
open var id: String = "${} ${IdDateFormat.format(bookingDate)} ${IdDateFormat.format(valueDate)} $amount $currency $unparsedUsage $otherPartyName $otherPartyBankCode $otherPartyAccountId"

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@ -29,7 +29,14 @@ open class BankAccount @JvmOverloads constructor(
bookedAccountTransactions: List<AccountTransaction> = listOf()
) {
internal constructor() : this(Customer(), "", "", null, null, "") // for object deserializers
internal constructor() : this(Customer(), null, "") // for object deserializers
/* convenience constructors for languages not supporting default values */
constructor(customer: Customer, productName: String?, identifier: String) : this(customer, productName, identifier, BankAccountType.Girokonto)
constructor(customer: Customer, productName: String?, identifier: String, type: BankAccountType = BankAccountType.Girokonto, balance: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.Zero)
: this(customer, identifier, "", null, null, "", balance, "EUR", type, productName)
open var id: String = UUID.random()

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@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ open class Customer(
internal constructor() : this("", "", "", "", "", "", "") // for object deserializers
/* convenience constructors for languages not supporting default values */
constructor(bankCode: String, customerId: String, password: String, finTsServerAddress: String)
: this(bankCode, customerId, password, finTsServerAddress, "", "", "")
var id: String = UUID.random()

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@ -5,18 +5,19 @@ import BankingUiSwift
let previewBanks = createPreviewBanks()
func createPreviewBanks() -> [BUCCustomer] {
let bank1 = BUCCustomer(bankCode: "", customerId: "", password: "", finTsServerAddress: "", bankName: "Abzockbank", bic: "", customerName: "", userId: "", iconUrl: "", accounts: [])
let bank1 = BUCCustomer(bankCode: "", customerId: "", password: "", finTsServerAddress: "", bankName: "Abzockbank", bic: "", customerName: "Marieke Musterfrau", userId: "", iconUrl: "", accounts: [])
bank1.accounts = [
BUCBankAccount(customer: bank1, identifier: "id", accountHolderName: "Marieke Musterfrau", iban: nil, subAccountNumber: nil, customerId: "", balance: CommonBigDecimal(double: 17.0), currency: "EUR", type: .girokonto, productName: "Girokonto", accountLimit: nil, lastRetrievedTransactionsTimestamp: nil, supportsRetrievingAccountTransactions: true, supportsRetrievingBalance: true, supportsTransferringMoney: true, supportsInstantPaymentMoneyTransfer: true, bookedAccountTransactions: []),
BUCBankAccount(customer: bank1, productName: "Girokonto", identifier: "1234567890"),
BUCBankAccount(customer: bank1, identifier: "id", accountHolderName: "Marieke Musterfrau", iban: nil, subAccountNumber: nil, customerId: "", balance: CommonBigDecimal(double: 17.0), currency: "EUR", type: .festgeldkonto, productName: "Tagesgeld Minus", accountLimit: nil, lastRetrievedTransactionsTimestamp: nil, supportsRetrievingAccountTransactions: true, supportsRetrievingBalance: true, supportsTransferringMoney: true, supportsInstantPaymentMoneyTransfer: true, bookedAccountTransactions: [])
BUCBankAccount(customer: bank1, productName: "Tagesgeld Minus", identifier: "0987654321")
let bank2 = BUCCustomer(bankCode: "", customerId: "", password: "", finTsServerAddress: "", bankName: "Kundenverarschebank", bic: "", customerName: "", userId: "", iconUrl: "", accounts: [])
let bank2 = BUCCustomer(bankCode: "", customerId: "", password: "", finTsServerAddress: "", bankName: "Kundenverarschebank", bic: "", customerName: "Marieke Musterfrau", userId: "", iconUrl: "", accounts: [])
bank2.accounts = [
BUCBankAccount(customer: bank1, identifier: "id", accountHolderName: "Marieke Musterfrau", iban: nil, subAccountNumber: nil, customerId: "", balance: CommonBigDecimal(double: 17.0), currency: "EUR", type: .girokonto, productName: "Girokonto", accountLimit: nil, lastRetrievedTransactionsTimestamp: nil, supportsRetrievingAccountTransactions: true, supportsRetrievingBalance: true, supportsTransferringMoney: true, supportsInstantPaymentMoneyTransfer: true, bookedAccountTransactions: [])
BUCBankAccount(customer: bank2, productName: "Girokonto", identifier: "1234567890")
return [ bank1, bank2 ]