If there is more than one bank account that supports money transfer, implemented callback to ask user which one to use
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package net.dankito.banking.client.model.parameter
import net.dankito.banking.client.model.BankAccountIdentifier
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.AccountData
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.BankData
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.Money
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.TanMethodType
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ open class TransferMoneyParameter(
preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
preferredTanMedium: String? = null,
abortIfTanIsRequired: Boolean = false,
finTsModel: BankData? = null
finTsModel: BankData? = null,
open val selectAccountToUseForTransfer: ((List<AccountData>) -> AccountData?)? = null // TODO: use BankAccount instead of AccountData
) : FinTsClientParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, preferredTanMethods, preferredTanMedium, abortIfTanIsRequired, finTsModel)
@ -147,13 +147,23 @@ open class FinTsClient @JvmOverloads constructor(
protected open suspend fun transferMoneyAsync(param: TransferMoneyParameter, recipientBankIdentifier: String, bank: BankData, accounts: List<AccountData>, previousJobResponse: FinTsClientResponse?): TransferMoneyResponse {
val accountsSupportingTransfer = accounts.filter { it.supportsTransferringMoney }
val accountToUse: AccountData
if (accountsSupportingTransfer.isEmpty()) {
return TransferMoneyResponse(ErrorCode.NoAccountSupportsMoneyTransfer, "None of the accounts $accounts supports money transfer", previousJobResponse?.messageLogWithoutSensitiveData ?: listOf(), bank)
} else if (accountsSupportingTransfer.size > 1) {
return TransferMoneyResponse(ErrorCode.MoreThanOneAccountSupportsMoneyTransfer, "More than one of the accounts $accountsSupportingTransfer supports money transfer, so we cannot clearly determine which one to use for this transfer", previousJobResponse?.messageLogWithoutSensitiveData ?: listOf(), bank)
} else if (accountsSupportingTransfer.size == 1) {
accountToUse = accountsSupportingTransfer.first()
} else {
val selectedAccount = param.selectAccountToUseForTransfer?.invoke(accountsSupportingTransfer)
if (selectedAccount == null) {
return TransferMoneyResponse(ErrorCode.MoreThanOneAccountSupportsMoneyTransfer, "More than one of the accounts $accountsSupportingTransfer supports money transfer, so we cannot clearly determine which one to use for this transfer", previousJobResponse?.messageLogWithoutSensitiveData ?: listOf(), bank)
accountToUse = selectedAccount
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.TransferMoney, this.callback, product, bank, accountsSupportingTransfer.first())
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.TransferMoney, this.callback, product, bank, accountToUse)
val response = jobExecutor.transferMoneyAsync(context, BankTransferData(param.recipientName, param.recipientAccountIdentifier, recipientBankIdentifier,
param.amount, param.reference, param.instantPayment))
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.requireObject
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.argument
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.option
import net.dankito.banking.client.model.parameter.TransferMoneyParameter
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.AccountData
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.Amount
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.Currency
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.Money
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class TransferMoneyCommand : CliktCommand("Transfers money from your account to
val recipientAccountIdentifier by argument("Recipient account identifier", "In den meisten Fällen die IBAN des Empfängers")
val amount by argument("Amount", "The amount to transfer to recipient")
val reference by argument("Reference", "Verwendungszweck. Max. 160 Zeichen, keine Sonderzeichen wie Umlaute etc.")
val reference by argument("Reference", "Verwendungszweck (optional). Max. 160 Zeichen, keine Sonderzeichen wie Umlaute etc.")
val recipientBankIdentifier by option("-b", "--bic", help = "Recipient's Bank Identifier, in most cases the BIC. Muss nur für Auslands-Überweisungen angegeben werden. Für deutsche Banken kann die BIC aus der IBAN abgeleitet werden.")
@ -30,7 +31,31 @@ class TransferMoneyCommand : CliktCommand("Transfers money from your account to
app.transferMoney(TransferMoneyParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, null, recipientName, recipientAccountIdentifier, recipientBankIdentifier,
Money(Amount(amount), Currency.DefaultCurrencyCode), reference, false, preferredTanMethods, abortIfTanIsRequired = abortIfRequiresTan))
Money(Amount(amount), Currency.DefaultCurrencyCode), reference, false, preferredTanMethods, abortIfTanIsRequired = abortIfRequiresTan,
selectAccountToUseForTransfer = { accounts ->
private fun selectAccountToUseForTransfer(accounts: List<AccountData>): AccountData? {
println("There are multiple accounts that support money transfer. Which one would you like to use?")
accounts.forEachIndexed { index, account ->
println("[${index + 1}] $account")
print("Enter the index of the account: ")
readLine()?.toIntOrNull()?.let { selectedIndex ->
if (selectedIndex > 0 && (selectedIndex - 1) < accounts.size) {
return accounts[selectedIndex - 1]
println("Not a valid index entered. Valid indices are 1 - ${accounts.size}") // TODO: print this + "or enter an empty string to cancel" and loop for valid input?
return null
Reference in New Issue