Extracted Mt94xParserBase

This commit is contained in:
dankito 2024-09-10 21:29:13 +02:00
parent ef8045fa96
commit d1de7f5eb0
4 changed files with 626 additions and 541 deletions

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@ -1,92 +1,21 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import kotlinx.datetime.Month
import net.codinux.log.logger
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.todayAtEuropeBerlin
import net.codinux.banking.fints.log.IMessageLogAppender
import net.codinux.banking.fints.model.Amount
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model.*
import net.codinux.banking.fints.mapper.DateFormatter
4.1. SWIFT Supported Characters
a until z
A until Z
0 until 9
/ ? : ( ) . , ' + { }
CR LF Space
Although part of the character set, the curly brackets are permitted as delimiters and cannot be used within the text of
usertouser messages.
Character is not permitted as the first character of the line.
None of lines include only Space.
open class Mt940Parser(
override var logAppender: IMessageLogAppender? = null
) : IMt940Parser {
companion object {
val AccountStatementsSeparatorRegex = Regex("^\\s*-\\s*\$", RegexOption.MULTILINE) // a line only with '-' and may other white space characters
// (?<!T\d\d(:\d\d)?) to filter that date time with format (yyyy-MM-dd)Thh:mm:ss(:SSS) is considered to be a field identifier
val AccountStatementFieldSeparatorRegex = Regex("(?<!T\\d\\d(:\\d\\d)?):\\d\\d\\w?:")
const val OrderReferenceNumberCode = "20"
const val ReferenceNumberCode = "21"
const val AccountIdentificationCode = "25"
const val StatementNumberCode = "28C"
const val OpeningBalanceCode = "60"
const val StatementLineCode = "61"
const val RemittanceInformationFieldCode = "86"
const val ClosingBalanceCode = "62"
val DateFormatter = DateFormatter("yyMMdd") // TODO: replace with LocalDate.Format { }
val CreditDebitCancellationRegex = Regex("C|D|RC|RD")
val AmountRegex = Regex("\\d+,\\d*")
val ReferenceTypeRegex = Regex("[A-Z]{4}\\+")
val RemittanceInformationSubFieldRegex = Regex("\\?\\d\\d")
const val EndToEndReferenceKey = "EREF+"
const val CustomerReferenceKey = "KREF+"
const val MandateReferenceKey = "MREF+"
const val CreditorIdentifierKey = "CRED+"
const val OriginatorsIdentificationCodeKey = "DEBT+"
const val CompensationAmountKey = "COAM+"
const val OriginalAmountKey = "OAMT+"
const val SepaReferenceKey = "SVWZ+"
const val DeviantOriginatorKey = "ABWA+"
const val DeviantRecipientKey = "ABWE+"
private val log by logger()
) : Mt94xParserBase<AccountStatement>(logAppender), IMt940Parser {
* Parses a whole MT 940 statements string, that is one that ends with a "-" line.
override fun parseMt940String(mt940String: String): List<AccountStatement> {
return parseMt940Chunk(mt940String).first
override fun parseMt940String(mt940String: String): List<AccountStatement> =
* Parses incomplete MT 940 statements string, that is ones that not end with a "-" line,
* as the they are returned e.g. if a HKKAZ response is dispersed over multiple messages.
* as they are returned e.g. if a HKKAZ response is dispersed over multiple messages.
* Tries to parse all statements in the string except an incomplete last one and returns an
* incomplete last MT 940 statement (if any) as remainder.
@ -95,426 +24,31 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
* be displayed immediately to user and the remainder then be passed together with next partial
* HKKAZ response to this method till this whole MT 940 statement is parsed.
override fun parseMt940Chunk(mt940Chunk: String): Pair<List<AccountStatement>, String?> {
try {
val singleAccountStatementsStrings = splitIntoSingleAccountStatements(mt940Chunk).toMutableList()
var remainder: String? = null
if (singleAccountStatementsStrings.isNotEmpty() && singleAccountStatementsStrings.last().isEmpty() == false) {
remainder = singleAccountStatementsStrings.removeAt(singleAccountStatementsStrings.lastIndex)
val transactions = singleAccountStatementsStrings.mapNotNull { parseAccountStatement(it) }
return Pair(transactions, remainder)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse account statements from MT940 string:\n$mt940Chunk", e)
return Pair(listOf(), "")
override fun parseMt940Chunk(mt940Chunk: String): Pair<List<AccountStatement>, String?> =
protected open fun splitIntoSingleAccountStatements(mt940String: String): List<String> {
return mt940String.split(AccountStatementsSeparatorRegex)
.map { it.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") }
protected open fun parseAccountStatement(accountStatementString: String): AccountStatement? {
if (accountStatementString.isBlank()) {
return null
try {
val fieldsByCode = splitIntoFields(accountStatementString)
return parseAccountStatement(fieldsByCode)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse account statement:\n$accountStatementString", e)
return null
protected open fun splitIntoFields(accountStatementString: String): List<Pair<String, String>> {
val result = mutableListOf<Pair<String, String>>()
var lastMatchEnd = 0
var lastMatchedCode = ""
AccountStatementFieldSeparatorRegex.findAll(accountStatementString).forEach { matchResult ->
if (lastMatchEnd > 0) {
val previousStatement = accountStatementString.substring(lastMatchEnd, matchResult.range.first)
result.add(Pair(lastMatchedCode, previousStatement))
lastMatchedCode = matchResult.value.replace(":", "")
lastMatchEnd = matchResult.range.last + 1
if (lastMatchEnd > 0) {
val previousStatement = accountStatementString.substring(lastMatchEnd, accountStatementString.length)
result.add(Pair(lastMatchedCode, previousStatement))
return result
protected open fun parseAccountStatement(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>): AccountStatement? {
val statementAndMaySequenceNumber = getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, StatementNumberCode).split('/')
val accountIdentification = getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, AccountIdentificationCode).split('/')
override fun createAccountStatement(
orderReferenceNumber: String,
referenceNumber: String?,
bankCodeBicOrIban: String,
accountIdentifier: String?,
statementNumber: Int,
sheetNumber: Int?,
transactions: List<Transaction>,
fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>
): AccountStatement {
val openingBalancePair = fieldsByCode.first { it.first.startsWith(OpeningBalanceCode) }
val closingBalancePair = fieldsByCode.first { it.first.startsWith(ClosingBalanceCode) }
return AccountStatement(
getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, OrderReferenceNumberCode),
getOptionalFieldValue(fieldsByCode, ReferenceNumberCode),
if (accountIdentification.size > 1) accountIdentification[1] else null,
if (statementAndMaySequenceNumber.size > 1) statementAndMaySequenceNumber[1].toInt() else null,
orderReferenceNumber, referenceNumber,
bankCodeBicOrIban, accountIdentifier,
statementNumber, sheetNumber,
parseBalance(openingBalancePair.first, openingBalancePair.second),
parseBalance(closingBalancePair.first, closingBalancePair.second)
protected open fun getFieldValue(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>, code: String): String {
return fieldsByCode.first { it.first == code }.second
protected open fun getOptionalFieldValue(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>, code: String): String? {
return fieldsByCode.firstOrNull { it.first == code }?.second
protected open fun parseBalance(code: String, fieldValue: String): Balance {
val isIntermediate = code.endsWith("M")
val isDebit = fieldValue.startsWith("D")
val bookingDateString = fieldValue.substring(1, 7)
val statementDate = parseMt940Date(bookingDateString)
val currency = fieldValue.substring(7, 10)
val amountString = fieldValue.substring(10)
val amount = parseAmount(amountString)
return Balance(isIntermediate, !!!isDebit, statementDate, currency, amount)
protected open fun parseAccountStatementTransactions(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>): List<Transaction> {
val transactions = mutableListOf<Transaction>()
fieldsByCode.forEachIndexed { index, pair ->
if (pair.first == StatementLineCode) {
val statementLine = parseStatementLine(pair.second)
val nextPair = if (index < fieldsByCode.size - 1) fieldsByCode.get(index + 1) else null
val information = if (nextPair?.first == RemittanceInformationFieldCode) parseNullableRemittanceInformationField(nextPair.second) else null
transactions.add(Transaction(statementLine, information))
return transactions
* 6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c16x[//16x]
* [34x]
* where subfields are:
* Subfield Format Name
* 1 6!n (Value Date)
* 2 [4!n] (Entry Date)
* 3 2a (Debit/Credit Mark)
* 4 [1!a] (Funds Code)
* 5 15d (Amount)
* 6 1!a3!c (Transaction Type)(Identification Code)
* 7 16x (Reference for the Account Owner)
* 8 [//16x] (Reference of the Account Servicing Institution)
* 9 [34x] (Supplementary Details)
protected open fun parseStatementLine(fieldValue: String): StatementLine {
val valueDateString = fieldValue.substring(0, 6)
val valueDate = parseMt940Date(valueDateString)
val creditMarkMatchResult = CreditDebitCancellationRegex.find(fieldValue)
val isDebit = creditMarkMatchResult?.value?.endsWith('D') == true
val isCancellation = creditMarkMatchResult?.value?.startsWith('R') == true
val creditMarkEnd = (creditMarkMatchResult?.range?.last ?: -1) + 1
// booking date is the second field and is optional. It is normally only used when different from the value date.
val bookingDateString = if ((creditMarkMatchResult?.range?.start ?: 0) > 6) fieldValue.substring(6, 10) else null
val bookingDate = bookingDateString?.let { // bookingDateString has format MMdd -> add year from valueDateString
parseMt940BookingDate(bookingDateString, valueDateString, valueDate)
} ?: valueDate
val amountMatchResult = AmountRegex.find(fieldValue)!!
val amountString = amountMatchResult.value
val amount = parseAmount(amountString)
val amountEndIndex = amountMatchResult.range.last + 1
val fundsCode = if (amountMatchResult.range.start - creditMarkEnd > 1) fieldValue.substring(creditMarkEnd + 1, creditMarkEnd + 2) else null
* S SWIFT transfer For entries related to SWIFT transfer instructions and subsequent charge messages.
* N Non-SWIFT For entries related to payment and transfer instructions, including transfer related charges messages, not sent through SWIFT or where an alpha description is preferred.
* F First advice For entries being first advised by the statement (items originated by the account servicing institution).
val transactionType = fieldValue.substring(amountEndIndex, amountEndIndex + 1) // transaction type is 'N', 'S' or 'F'
val postingKeyStart = amountEndIndex + 1
val postingKey = fieldValue.substring(postingKeyStart, postingKeyStart + 3) // TODO: parse codes, p. 178
val customerAndBankReference = fieldValue.substring(postingKeyStart + 3).split("//")
val customerReference = customerAndBankReference[0].takeIf { it != "NONREF" }
* The content of this subfield is the account servicing institution's own reference for the transaction.
* When the transaction has been initiated by the account servicing institution, this
* reference may be identical to subfield 7, Reference for the Account Owner. If this is
* the case, Reference of the Account Servicing Institution, subfield 8 may be omitted.
var bankReference = if (customerAndBankReference.size > 1) customerAndBankReference[1] else null
var furtherInformation: String? = null
if (bankReference != null && bankReference.contains('\n')) {
val bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation = bankReference.split("\n")
bankReference = bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation[0].trim()
// TODO: parse /OCMT/ and /CHGS/, see page 518
furtherInformation = bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation[1].trim()
return StatementLine(!!!isDebit, isCancellation, valueDate, bookingDate, null, amount, postingKey,
customerReference, bankReference, furtherInformation)
protected open fun parseNullableRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString: String): RemittanceInformationField? {
try {
val information = parseRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString)
return information
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse RemittanceInformationField from field value '$remittanceInformationFieldString'", e)
return null
protected open fun parseRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString: String): RemittanceInformationField {
// e. g. starts with 0 -> Inlandszahlungsverkehr, starts with '3' -> Wertpapiergeschäft
// see Finanzdatenformate p. 209 - 215
val geschaeftsvorfallCode = remittanceInformationFieldString.substring(0, 2) // TODO: may map
val referenceParts = mutableListOf<String>()
val otherPartyName = StringBuilder()
var otherPartyBankId: String? = null
var otherPartyAccountId: String? = null
var bookingText: String? = null
var primaNotaNumber: String? = null
var textKeySupplement: String? = null
val subFieldMatches = RemittanceInformationSubFieldRegex.findAll(remittanceInformationFieldString).toList()
subFieldMatches.forEachIndexed { index, matchResult ->
val fieldCode = matchResult.value.substring(1, 3).toInt()
val endIndex = if (index + 1 < subFieldMatches.size) subFieldMatches[index + 1].range.start else remittanceInformationFieldString.length
val fieldValue = remittanceInformationFieldString.substring(matchResult.range.last + 1, endIndex)
when (fieldCode) {
0 -> bookingText = fieldValue
10 -> primaNotaNumber = fieldValue
in 20..29 -> referenceParts.add(fieldValue)
30 -> otherPartyBankId = fieldValue
31 -> otherPartyAccountId = fieldValue
32, 33 -> otherPartyName.append(fieldValue)
34 -> textKeySupplement = fieldValue
in 60..63 -> referenceParts.add(fieldValue)
val reference = if (isFormattedReference(referenceParts)) joinReferenceParts(referenceParts)
else referenceParts.joinToString(" ")
val otherPartyNameString = if (otherPartyName.isBlank()) null else otherPartyName.toString()
return RemittanceInformationField(
reference, otherPartyNameString, otherPartyBankId, otherPartyAccountId,
bookingText, primaNotaNumber, textKeySupplement
protected open fun joinReferenceParts(referenceParts: List<String>): String {
val reference = StringBuilder()
referenceParts.firstOrNull()?.let {
for (i in 1..referenceParts.size - 1) {
val part = referenceParts[i]
if (part.isNotEmpty() && part.first().isUpperCase() && referenceParts[i - 1].last().isUpperCase() == false) {
reference.append(" ")
return reference.toString()
protected open fun isFormattedReference(referenceParts: List<String>): Boolean {
return referenceParts.any { ReferenceTypeRegex.find(it) != null }
* Jeder Bezeichner [z.B. EREF+] muss am Anfang eines Subfeldes [z. B. ?21] stehen.
* Bei Längenüberschreitung wird im nachfolgenden Subfeld ohne Wiederholung des Bezeichners fortgesetzt. Bei Wechsel des Bezeichners ist ein neues Subfeld zu beginnen.
* Belegung in der nachfolgenden Reihenfolge, wenn vorhanden:
* EREF+[ Ende-zu-Ende Referenz ] (DD-AT10; CT-AT41 - Angabe verpflichtend; NOTPROVIDED wird nicht eingestellt.)
* KREF+[Kundenreferenz]
* MREF+[Mandatsreferenz] (DD-AT01 - Angabe verpflichtend)
* CRED+[Creditor Identifier] (DD-AT02 - Angabe verpflichtend bei SEPA-Lastschriften, nicht jedoch bei SEPA-Rücklastschriften)
* DEBT+[Originators Identification Code](CT-AT10- Angabe verpflichtend,)
* Entweder CRED oder DEBT
* optional zusätzlich zur Einstellung in Feld 61, Subfeld 9:
* COAM+ [Compensation Amount / Summe aus Auslagenersatz und Bearbeitungsprovision bei einer nationalen Rücklastschrift sowie optionalem Zinsausgleich.]
* OAMT+[Original Amount] Betrag der ursprünglichen Lastschrift
* SVWZ+[SEPA-Verwendungszweck] (DD-AT22; CT-AT05 -Angabe verpflichtend, nicht jedoch bei R-Transaktionen)
* ABWA+[Abweichender Überweisender] (CT-AT08) / Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger (DD-AT38) ] (optional)
* ABWE+[Abweichender Zahlungsemp-fänger (CT-AT28) / Abweichender Zahlungspflichtiger ((DD-AT15)] (optional)
* Weitere 4 Verwendungszwecke können zu den Feldschlüsseln 60 bis 63 eingestellt werden.
protected open fun mapReference(information: RemittanceInformationField) {
val referenceParts = getReferenceParts(information.unparsedReference)
referenceParts.forEach { entry ->
setReferenceLineValue(information, entry.key, entry.value)
open fun getReferenceParts(unparsedReference: String): Map<String, String> {
var previousMatchType = ""
var previousMatchEnd = 0
val referenceParts = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
ReferenceTypeRegex.findAll(unparsedReference).forEach { matchResult ->
if (previousMatchEnd > 0) {
val typeValue = unparsedReference.substring(previousMatchEnd, matchResult.range.first)
referenceParts[previousMatchType] = typeValue
previousMatchType = unparsedReference.substring(matchResult.range)
previousMatchEnd = matchResult.range.last + 1
if (previousMatchEnd > 0) {
val typeValue = unparsedReference.substring(previousMatchEnd, unparsedReference.length)
referenceParts[previousMatchType] = typeValue
return referenceParts
// TODO: there are more. See .pdf from Deutsche Bank
protected open fun setReferenceLineValue(information: RemittanceInformationField, referenceType: String, typeValue: String) {
when (referenceType) {
EndToEndReferenceKey -> information.endToEndReference = typeValue
CustomerReferenceKey -> information.customerReference = typeValue
MandateReferenceKey -> information.mandateReference = typeValue
CreditorIdentifierKey -> information.creditorIdentifier = typeValue
OriginatorsIdentificationCodeKey -> information.originatorsIdentificationCode = typeValue
CompensationAmountKey -> information.compensationAmount = typeValue
OriginalAmountKey -> information.originalAmount = typeValue
SepaReferenceKey -> information.sepaReference = typeValue
DeviantOriginatorKey -> information.deviantOriginator = typeValue
DeviantRecipientKey -> information.deviantRecipient = typeValue
else -> information.referenceWithNoSpecialType = typeValue
protected open fun parseMt940Date(dateString: String): LocalDate {
// TODO: this should be necessary anymore, isn't it?
// SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe. Before adding another library i decided to parse
// this really simple date format on my own
if (dateString.length == 6) {
try {
var year = dateString.substring(0, 2).toInt()
val month = dateString.substring(2, 4).toInt()
val day = dateString.substring(4, 6).toInt()
* Bei 6-stelligen Datumsangaben (d.h. JJMMTT) wird gemäß SWIFT zwischen dem 20. und 21.
* Jahrhundert wie folgt unterschieden:
* - Ist das Jahr (d.h. JJ) größer als 79, bezieht sich das Datum auf das 20. Jahrhundert. Ist
* das Jahr 79 oder kleiner, bezieht sich das Datum auf das 21. Jahrhundert.
* - Ist JJ > 79:JJMMTT = 19JJMMTT
* - sonst: JJMMTT = 20JJMMTT
* - Damit reicht die Spanne des sechsstelligen Datums von 1980 bis 2079.
if (year > 79) {
year += 1900
} else {
year += 2000
// ah, here we go, banks (in Germany) calculate with 30 days each month, so yes, it can happen that dates
// like 30th of February or 29th of February in non-leap years occur, see:
// https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/30._Februar#30._Februar_in_der_Zinsberechnung
if (month == 2 && (day > 29 || (day > 28 && year % 4 != 0))) { // fix that for banks each month has 30 days
return LocalDate(year, 3, 1)
return LocalDate(year , month, day)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse dateString '$dateString'", e)
return DateFormatter.parseDate(dateString)!! // fallback to not thread-safe SimpleDateFormat. Works in most cases but not all
* Booking date string consists only of MMDD -> we need to take the year from value date string.
protected open fun parseMt940BookingDate(bookingDateString: String, valueDateString: String, valueDate: LocalDate): LocalDate {
val bookingDate = parseMt940Date(valueDateString.substring(0, 2) + bookingDateString)
// there are rare cases that booking date is e.g. on 31.12.2019 and value date on 01.01.2020 -> booking date would be on 31.12.2020 (and therefore in the future)
val bookingDateMonth = bookingDate.month
if (bookingDateMonth != valueDate.month && bookingDateMonth == Month.DECEMBER) {
return parseMt940Date("" + (valueDate.year - 1 - 2000) + bookingDateString)
return bookingDate
protected open fun parseAmount(amountString: String): Amount {
return Amount(amountString)
protected open fun logError(message: String, e: Exception?) {
logAppender?.let { logAppender ->
logAppender.logError(Mt940Parser::class, message, e)
?: run {
log.error(e) { message }

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@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import kotlinx.datetime.Month
import net.codinux.log.logger
import net.codinux.banking.fints.log.IMessageLogAppender
import net.codinux.banking.fints.model.Amount
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model.*
import net.codinux.banking.fints.mapper.DateFormatter
4.1. SWIFT Supported Characters
a until z
A until Z
0 until 9
/ ? : ( ) . , ' + { }
CR LF Space
Although part of the character set, the curly brackets are permitted as delimiters and cannot be used within the text of
usertouser messages.
Character is not permitted as the first character of the line.
None of lines include only Space.
abstract class Mt94xParserBase<T: AccountStatementCommon>(
open var logAppender: IMessageLogAppender? = null
) {
companion object {
val AccountStatementsSeparatorRegex = Regex("^\\s*-\\s*\$", RegexOption.MULTILINE) // a line only with '-' and may other white space characters
// (?<!T\d\d(:\d\d)?) to filter that date time with format (yyyy-MM-dd)Thh:mm:ss(:SSS) is considered to be a field identifier
val AccountStatementFieldSeparatorRegex = Regex("(?<!T\\d\\d(:\\d\\d)?):\\d\\d\\w?:")
const val OrderReferenceNumberCode = "20"
const val ReferenceNumberCode = "21"
const val AccountIdentificationCode = "25"
const val StatementNumberCode = "28C"
const val OpeningBalanceCode = "60"
const val StatementLineCode = "61"
const val RemittanceInformationFieldCode = "86"
const val ClosingBalanceCode = "62"
val DateFormatter = DateFormatter("yyMMdd") // TODO: replace with LocalDate.Format { }
val CreditDebitCancellationRegex = Regex("C|D|RC|RD")
val AmountRegex = Regex("\\d+,\\d*")
val ReferenceTypeRegex = Regex("[A-Z]{4}\\+")
val RemittanceInformationSubFieldRegex = Regex("\\?\\d\\d")
const val EndToEndReferenceKey = "EREF+"
const val CustomerReferenceKey = "KREF+"
const val MandateReferenceKey = "MREF+"
const val CreditorIdentifierKey = "CRED+"
const val OriginatorsIdentificationCodeKey = "DEBT+"
const val CompensationAmountKey = "COAM+"
const val OriginalAmountKey = "OAMT+"
const val SepaReferenceKey = "SVWZ+"
const val DeviantOriginatorKey = "ABWA+"
const val DeviantRecipientKey = "ABWE+"
private val log by logger()
protected abstract fun createAccountStatement(
orderReferenceNumber: String, referenceNumber: String?,
bankCodeBicOrIban: String, accountIdentifier: String?,
statementNumber: Int, sheetNumber: Int?,
transactions: List<Transaction>,
fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>
): T
* Parses a whole MT 940 statements string, that is one that ends with a "-" line.
protected open fun parseMt94xString(mt94xString: String): List<T> {
return parseMt94xChunk(mt94xString).first
* Parses incomplete MT 940 statements string, that is ones that not end with a "-" line,
* as they are returned e.g. if a HKKAZ response is dispersed over multiple messages.
* Tries to parse all statements in the string except an incomplete last one and returns an
* incomplete last MT 940 statement (if any) as remainder.
* So each single HKKAZ partial response can be parsed immediately, its statements/transactions
* be displayed immediately to user and the remainder then be passed together with next partial
* HKKAZ response to this method till this whole MT 940 statement is parsed.
protected open fun parseMt94xChunk(mt94xChunk: String): Pair<List<T>, String?> {
try {
val singleAccountStatementsStrings = splitIntoSingleAccountStatements(mt94xChunk).toMutableList()
var remainder: String? = null
if (singleAccountStatementsStrings.isNotEmpty() && singleAccountStatementsStrings.last().isEmpty() == false) {
remainder = singleAccountStatementsStrings.removeAt(singleAccountStatementsStrings.lastIndex)
val transactions = singleAccountStatementsStrings.mapNotNull { parseAccountStatement(it) }
return Pair(transactions, remainder)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse account statements from MT940 string:\n$mt94xChunk", e)
return Pair(listOf(), "")
protected open fun splitIntoSingleAccountStatements(mt940String: String): List<String> {
return mt940String.split(AccountStatementsSeparatorRegex)
.map { it.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") }
protected open fun parseAccountStatement(accountStatementString: String): T? {
if (accountStatementString.isBlank()) {
return null
try {
val fieldsByCode = splitIntoFields(accountStatementString)
return parseAccountStatement(fieldsByCode)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse account statement:\n$accountStatementString", e)
return null
protected open fun splitIntoFields(accountStatementString: String): List<Pair<String, String>> {
val result = mutableListOf<Pair<String, String>>()
var lastMatchEnd = 0
var lastMatchedCode = ""
AccountStatementFieldSeparatorRegex.findAll(accountStatementString).forEach { matchResult ->
if (lastMatchEnd > 0) {
val previousStatement = accountStatementString.substring(lastMatchEnd, matchResult.range.first)
result.add(Pair(lastMatchedCode, previousStatement))
lastMatchedCode = matchResult.value.replace(":", "")
lastMatchEnd = matchResult.range.last + 1
if (lastMatchEnd > 0) {
val previousStatement = accountStatementString.substring(lastMatchEnd, accountStatementString.length)
result.add(Pair(lastMatchedCode, previousStatement))
return result
protected open fun parseAccountStatement(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>): T? {
val orderReferenceNumber = getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, OrderReferenceNumberCode)
val referenceNumber = getOptionalFieldValue(fieldsByCode, ReferenceNumberCode)
val statementAndMaySequenceNumber = getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, StatementNumberCode).split('/')
val accountIdentification = getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, AccountIdentificationCode).split('/')
val transactions = parseAccountStatementTransactions(fieldsByCode)
return createAccountStatement(
orderReferenceNumber, referenceNumber,
accountIdentification[0], if (accountIdentification.size > 1) accountIdentification[1] else null,
statementAndMaySequenceNumber[0].toInt(), if (statementAndMaySequenceNumber.size > 1) statementAndMaySequenceNumber[1].toInt() else null,
protected open fun getFieldValue(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>, code: String): String {
return fieldsByCode.first { it.first == code }.second
protected open fun getOptionalFieldValue(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>, code: String): String? {
return fieldsByCode.firstOrNull { it.first == code }?.second
protected open fun parseBalance(code: String, fieldValue: String): Balance {
val isIntermediate = code.endsWith("M")
val isDebit = fieldValue.startsWith("D")
val bookingDateString = fieldValue.substring(1, 7)
val statementDate = parseMt940Date(bookingDateString)
val currency = fieldValue.substring(7, 10)
val amountString = fieldValue.substring(10)
val amount = parseAmount(amountString)
return Balance(isIntermediate, !!!isDebit, statementDate, currency, amount)
protected open fun parseAccountStatementTransactions(fieldsByCode: List<Pair<String, String>>): List<Transaction> {
val transactions = mutableListOf<Transaction>()
fieldsByCode.forEachIndexed { index, pair ->
if (pair.first == StatementLineCode) {
val statementLine = parseStatementLine(pair.second)
val nextPair = if (index < fieldsByCode.size - 1) fieldsByCode.get(index + 1) else null
val information = if (nextPair?.first == RemittanceInformationFieldCode) parseNullableRemittanceInformationField(nextPair.second) else null
transactions.add(Transaction(statementLine, information))
return transactions
* 6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c16x[//16x]
* [34x]
* where subfields are:
* Subfield Format Name
* 1 6!n (Value Date)
* 2 [4!n] (Entry Date)
* 3 2a (Debit/Credit Mark)
* 4 [1!a] (Funds Code)
* 5 15d (Amount)
* 6 1!a3!c (Transaction Type)(Identification Code)
* 7 16x (Reference for the Account Owner)
* 8 [//16x] (Reference of the Account Servicing Institution)
* 9 [34x] (Supplementary Details)
protected open fun parseStatementLine(fieldValue: String): StatementLine {
val valueDateString = fieldValue.substring(0, 6)
val valueDate = parseMt940Date(valueDateString)
val creditMarkMatchResult = CreditDebitCancellationRegex.find(fieldValue)
val isDebit = creditMarkMatchResult?.value?.endsWith('D') == true
val isCancellation = creditMarkMatchResult?.value?.startsWith('R') == true
val creditMarkEnd = (creditMarkMatchResult?.range?.last ?: -1) + 1
// booking date is the second field and is optional. It is normally only used when different from the value date.
val bookingDateString = if ((creditMarkMatchResult?.range?.start ?: 0) > 6) fieldValue.substring(6, 10) else null
val bookingDate = bookingDateString?.let { // bookingDateString has format MMdd -> add year from valueDateString
parseMt940BookingDate(bookingDateString, valueDateString, valueDate)
} ?: valueDate
val amountMatchResult = AmountRegex.find(fieldValue)!!
val amountString = amountMatchResult.value
val amount = parseAmount(amountString)
val amountEndIndex = amountMatchResult.range.last + 1
val fundsCode = if (amountMatchResult.range.start - creditMarkEnd > 1) fieldValue.substring(creditMarkEnd + 1, creditMarkEnd + 2) else null
* S SWIFT transfer For entries related to SWIFT transfer instructions and subsequent charge messages.
* N Non-SWIFT For entries related to payment and transfer instructions, including transfer related charges messages, not sent through SWIFT or where an alpha description is preferred.
* F First advice For entries being first advised by the statement (items originated by the account servicing institution).
val transactionType = fieldValue.substring(amountEndIndex, amountEndIndex + 1) // transaction type is 'N', 'S' or 'F'
val postingKeyStart = amountEndIndex + 1
val postingKey = fieldValue.substring(postingKeyStart, postingKeyStart + 3) // TODO: parse codes, p. 178
val customerAndBankReference = fieldValue.substring(postingKeyStart + 3).split("//")
val customerReference = customerAndBankReference[0].takeIf { it != "NONREF" }
* The content of this subfield is the account servicing institution's own reference for the transaction.
* When the transaction has been initiated by the account servicing institution, this
* reference may be identical to subfield 7, Reference for the Account Owner. If this is
* the case, Reference of the Account Servicing Institution, subfield 8 may be omitted.
var bankReference = if (customerAndBankReference.size > 1) customerAndBankReference[1] else null
var furtherInformation: String? = null
if (bankReference != null && bankReference.contains('\n')) {
val bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation = bankReference.split("\n")
bankReference = bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation[0].trim()
// TODO: parse /OCMT/ and /CHGS/, see page 518
furtherInformation = bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation[1].trim()
return StatementLine(!!!isDebit, isCancellation, valueDate, bookingDate, null, amount, postingKey,
customerReference, bankReference, furtherInformation)
protected open fun parseNullableRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString: String): RemittanceInformationField? {
try {
val information = parseRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString)
return information
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse RemittanceInformationField from field value '$remittanceInformationFieldString'", e)
return null
protected open fun parseRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString: String): RemittanceInformationField {
// e. g. starts with 0 -> Inlandszahlungsverkehr, starts with '3' -> Wertpapiergeschäft
// see Finanzdatenformate p. 209 - 215
val geschaeftsvorfallCode = remittanceInformationFieldString.substring(0, 2) // TODO: may map
val referenceParts = mutableListOf<String>()
val otherPartyName = StringBuilder()
var otherPartyBankId: String? = null
var otherPartyAccountId: String? = null
var bookingText: String? = null
var primaNotaNumber: String? = null
var textKeySupplement: String? = null
val subFieldMatches = RemittanceInformationSubFieldRegex.findAll(remittanceInformationFieldString).toList()
subFieldMatches.forEachIndexed { index, matchResult ->
val fieldCode = matchResult.value.substring(1, 3).toInt()
val endIndex = if (index + 1 < subFieldMatches.size) subFieldMatches[index + 1].range.start else remittanceInformationFieldString.length
val fieldValue = remittanceInformationFieldString.substring(matchResult.range.last + 1, endIndex)
when (fieldCode) {
0 -> bookingText = fieldValue
10 -> primaNotaNumber = fieldValue
in 20..29 -> referenceParts.add(fieldValue)
30 -> otherPartyBankId = fieldValue
31 -> otherPartyAccountId = fieldValue
32, 33 -> otherPartyName.append(fieldValue)
34 -> textKeySupplement = fieldValue
in 60..63 -> referenceParts.add(fieldValue)
val reference = if (isFormattedReference(referenceParts)) joinReferenceParts(referenceParts)
else referenceParts.joinToString(" ")
val otherPartyNameString = if (otherPartyName.isBlank()) null else otherPartyName.toString()
return RemittanceInformationField(
reference, otherPartyNameString, otherPartyBankId, otherPartyAccountId,
bookingText, primaNotaNumber, textKeySupplement
protected open fun joinReferenceParts(referenceParts: List<String>): String {
val reference = StringBuilder()
referenceParts.firstOrNull()?.let {
for (i in 1..referenceParts.size - 1) {
val part = referenceParts[i]
if (part.isNotEmpty() && part.first().isUpperCase() && referenceParts[i - 1].last().isUpperCase() == false) {
reference.append(" ")
return reference.toString()
protected open fun isFormattedReference(referenceParts: List<String>): Boolean {
return referenceParts.any { ReferenceTypeRegex.find(it) != null }
* Jeder Bezeichner [z.B. EREF+] muss am Anfang eines Subfeldes [z. B. ?21] stehen.
* Bei Längenüberschreitung wird im nachfolgenden Subfeld ohne Wiederholung des Bezeichners fortgesetzt. Bei Wechsel des Bezeichners ist ein neues Subfeld zu beginnen.
* Belegung in der nachfolgenden Reihenfolge, wenn vorhanden:
* EREF+[ Ende-zu-Ende Referenz ] (DD-AT10; CT-AT41 - Angabe verpflichtend; NOTPROVIDED wird nicht eingestellt.)
* KREF+[Kundenreferenz]
* MREF+[Mandatsreferenz] (DD-AT01 - Angabe verpflichtend)
* CRED+[Creditor Identifier] (DD-AT02 - Angabe verpflichtend bei SEPA-Lastschriften, nicht jedoch bei SEPA-Rücklastschriften)
* DEBT+[Originators Identification Code](CT-AT10- Angabe verpflichtend,)
* Entweder CRED oder DEBT
* optional zusätzlich zur Einstellung in Feld 61, Subfeld 9:
* COAM+ [Compensation Amount / Summe aus Auslagenersatz und Bearbeitungsprovision bei einer nationalen Rücklastschrift sowie optionalem Zinsausgleich.]
* OAMT+[Original Amount] Betrag der ursprünglichen Lastschrift
* SVWZ+[SEPA-Verwendungszweck] (DD-AT22; CT-AT05 -Angabe verpflichtend, nicht jedoch bei R-Transaktionen)
* ABWA+[Abweichender Überweisender] (CT-AT08) / Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger (DD-AT38) ] (optional)
* ABWE+[Abweichender Zahlungsemp-fänger (CT-AT28) / Abweichender Zahlungspflichtiger ((DD-AT15)] (optional)
* Weitere 4 Verwendungszwecke können zu den Feldschlüsseln 60 bis 63 eingestellt werden.
protected open fun mapReference(information: RemittanceInformationField) {
val referenceParts = getReferenceParts(information.unparsedReference)
referenceParts.forEach { entry ->
setReferenceLineValue(information, entry.key, entry.value)
open fun getReferenceParts(unparsedReference: String): Map<String, String> {
var previousMatchType = ""
var previousMatchEnd = 0
val referenceParts = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
ReferenceTypeRegex.findAll(unparsedReference).forEach { matchResult ->
if (previousMatchEnd > 0) {
val typeValue = unparsedReference.substring(previousMatchEnd, matchResult.range.first)
referenceParts[previousMatchType] = typeValue
previousMatchType = unparsedReference.substring(matchResult.range)
previousMatchEnd = matchResult.range.last + 1
if (previousMatchEnd > 0) {
val typeValue = unparsedReference.substring(previousMatchEnd, unparsedReference.length)
referenceParts[previousMatchType] = typeValue
return referenceParts
// TODO: there are more. See .pdf from Deutsche Bank
protected open fun setReferenceLineValue(information: RemittanceInformationField, referenceType: String, typeValue: String) {
when (referenceType) {
EndToEndReferenceKey -> information.endToEndReference = typeValue
CustomerReferenceKey -> information.customerReference = typeValue
MandateReferenceKey -> information.mandateReference = typeValue
CreditorIdentifierKey -> information.creditorIdentifier = typeValue
OriginatorsIdentificationCodeKey -> information.originatorsIdentificationCode = typeValue
CompensationAmountKey -> information.compensationAmount = typeValue
OriginalAmountKey -> information.originalAmount = typeValue
SepaReferenceKey -> information.sepaReference = typeValue
DeviantOriginatorKey -> information.deviantOriginator = typeValue
DeviantRecipientKey -> information.deviantRecipient = typeValue
else -> information.referenceWithNoSpecialType = typeValue
protected open fun parseMt940Date(dateString: String): LocalDate {
// TODO: this should be necessary anymore, isn't it?
// SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe. Before adding another library i decided to parse
// this really simple date format on my own
if (dateString.length == 6) {
try {
var year = dateString.substring(0, 2).toInt()
val month = dateString.substring(2, 4).toInt()
val day = dateString.substring(4, 6).toInt()
* Bei 6-stelligen Datumsangaben (d.h. JJMMTT) wird gemäß SWIFT zwischen dem 20. und 21.
* Jahrhundert wie folgt unterschieden:
* - Ist das Jahr (d.h. JJ) größer als 79, bezieht sich das Datum auf das 20. Jahrhundert. Ist
* das Jahr 79 oder kleiner, bezieht sich das Datum auf das 21. Jahrhundert.
* - Ist JJ > 79:JJMMTT = 19JJMMTT
* - sonst: JJMMTT = 20JJMMTT
* - Damit reicht die Spanne des sechsstelligen Datums von 1980 bis 2079.
if (year > 79) {
year += 1900
} else {
year += 2000
// ah, here we go, banks (in Germany) calculate with 30 days each month, so yes, it can happen that dates
// like 30th of February or 29th of February in non-leap years occur, see:
// https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/30._Februar#30._Februar_in_der_Zinsberechnung
if (month == 2 && (day > 29 || (day > 28 && year % 4 != 0))) { // fix that for banks each month has 30 days
return LocalDate(year, 3, 1)
return LocalDate(year , month, day)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse dateString '$dateString'", e)
return DateFormatter.parseDate(dateString)!! // fallback to not thread-safe SimpleDateFormat. Works in most cases but not all
* Booking date string consists only of MMDD -> we need to take the year from value date string.
protected open fun parseMt940BookingDate(bookingDateString: String, valueDateString: String, valueDate: LocalDate): LocalDate {
val bookingDate = parseMt940Date(valueDateString.substring(0, 2) + bookingDateString)
// there are rare cases that booking date is e.g. on 31.12.2019 and value date on 01.01.2020 -> booking date would be on 31.12.2020 (and therefore in the future)
val bookingDateMonth = bookingDate.month
if (bookingDateMonth != valueDate.month && bookingDateMonth == Month.DECEMBER) {
return parseMt940Date("" + (valueDate.year - 1 - 2000) + bookingDateString)
return bookingDate
protected open fun parseAmount(amountString: String): Amount {
return Amount(amountString)
protected open fun logError(message: String, e: Exception?) {
logAppender?.let { logAppender ->
logAppender.logError(Mt94xParserBase::class, message, e)
?: run {
log.error(e) { message }

View File

@ -1,60 +1,18 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model
open class AccountStatement(
orderReferenceNumber: String,
referenceNumber: String?,
* Referenznummer, die vom Sender als eindeutige Kennung für die Nachricht vergeben wurde
* (z.B. als Referenz auf stornierte Nachrichten).
* Die Referenz darf nicht mit "/" starten oder enden; darf nicht "//" enthalten
* Max length = 16
val orderReferenceNumber: String,
bankCodeBicOrIban: String,
accountIdentifier: String?,
* Bezugsreferenz oder NONREF.
* Die Referenz darf nicht mit "/" starten oder enden; darf nicht "//" enthalten
* Max length = 16
val referenceNumber: String?,
* xxxxxxxxxxx/Konto-Nr. oder yyyyyyyy/Konto-Nr.
* wobei xxxxxxxxxxx = S.W.I.F.T.-Code
* yyyyyyyy = Bankleitzahl
* Konto-Nr. = max. 23 Stellen (ggf. mit Währung)
* Zukünftig kann hier auch die IBAN angegeben werden.
* Max length = 35
val bankCodeBicOrIban: String,
val accountIdentifier: String?,
* Falls eine Auszugsnummer nicht unterstützt wird, ist 0 einzustellen.
* Max length = 5
val statementNumber: Int,
* / kommt nach statementNumber falls Blattnummer belegt.
* beginnend mit 1
* Max length = 5
val sheetNumber: Int?,
statementNumber: Int,
sheetNumber: Int?,
val openingBalance: Balance,
val transactions: List<Transaction>,
transactions: List<Transaction>,
val closingBalance: Balance,
@ -74,18 +32,14 @@ open class AccountStatement(
val remittanceInformationField: String? = null
) {
) : AccountStatementCommon(orderReferenceNumber, referenceNumber, bankCodeBicOrIban, accountIdentifier, statementNumber, sheetNumber, transactions) {
// for object deserializers
private constructor() : this("", "", "", null, 0, null, Balance(), listOf(), Balance())
val isStatementNumberSupported: Boolean
get() = statementNumber != 0
override fun toString(): String {
return closingBalance.toString()
return "$closingBalance ${super.toString()}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model
open class AccountStatementCommon(
* Referenznummer, die vom Sender als eindeutige Kennung für die Nachricht vergeben wurde
* (z.B. als Referenz auf stornierte Nachrichten).
* Die Referenz darf nicht mit "/" starten oder enden; darf nicht "//" enthalten
* Max length = 16
val orderReferenceNumber: String,
* Bezugsreferenz oder NONREF.
* Die Referenz darf nicht mit "/" starten oder enden; darf nicht "//" enthalten
* Max length = 16
val referenceNumber: String?,
* xxxxxxxxxxx/Konto-Nr. oder yyyyyyyy/Konto-Nr.
* wobei xxxxxxxxxxx = S.W.I.F.T.-Code
* yyyyyyyy = Bankleitzahl
* Konto-Nr. = max. 23 Stellen (ggf. mit Währung)
* Zukünftig kann hier auch die IBAN angegeben werden.
* Max length = 35
val bankCodeBicOrIban: String,
val accountIdentifier: String?,
* Falls eine Auszugsnummer nicht unterstützt wird, ist 0 einzustellen.
* Max length = 5
val statementNumber: Int,
* / kommt nach statementNumber falls Blattnummer belegt.
* beginnend mit 1
* Max length = 5
val sheetNumber: Int?,
val transactions: List<Transaction>,
) {
// for object deserializers
private constructor() : this("", "", "", null, 0, null, listOf())
val isStatementNumberSupported: Boolean
get() = statementNumber != 0
override fun toString(): String {
return "$bankCodeBicOrIban, ${transactions.size} transactions"