Added command line options to native app to set retrieveBalance, retrieveTransactions, retrieveTransactionsFrom, retrieveTransactionsTo, preferredTanMethod and abortIfRequiresTan
This commit is contained in:
@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ kotlin {
// requires cURL to be installed on your system
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-curl:$ktorVersion"
implementation "com.github.ajalt.clikt:clikt:3.4.0"
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import net.dankito.banking.client.model.AccountTransaction
import net.dankito.banking.client.model.CustomerAccount
@ -8,24 +7,18 @@ import net.dankito.banking.fints.callback.SimpleFinTsClientCallback
import net.dankito.banking.fints.getAccountData
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.TanChallenge
import net.dankito.utils.multiplatform.extensions.*
import platform.posix.exit
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (args.size < 3) {
println("Bitte geben Sie Ihre Bankzugangsdaten ein in der Reihenfolge: <Bankleitzahl> <Login name> <Password>\r\n" +
"Z. B.: ./fints4k.kexe 10050000 \"Mein Loginname\" GeheimesPasswort")
Application().retrieveAccountData(args[0], args[1], args[2])
class Application {
class NativeApp {
fun retrieveAccountData(bankCode: String, loginName: String, password: String) {
retrieveAccountData(GetAccountDataParameter(bankCode, loginName, password))
fun retrieveAccountData(param: GetAccountDataParameter) {
val client = FinTsClient(SimpleFinTsClientCallback { tanChallenge -> enterTan(tanChallenge) })
val response = client.getAccountData(GetAccountDataParameter(bankCode, loginName, password))
val response = client.getAccountData(param)
if (response.error != null) {
println("An error occurred: ${response.error}${response.errorMessage?.let { " $it" }}")
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.argument
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.*
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.enum
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import net.dankito.banking.client.model.parameter.GetAccountDataParameter
import net.dankito.banking.client.model.parameter.RetrieveTransactions
import net.dankito.banking.fints.model.TanMethodType
class fints4kCommandLineInterface : CliktCommand(name = "fints", printHelpOnEmptyArgs = true) {
init {
versionOption("1.0.0 Alpha-10", names = setOf("-v", "--version"))
val bankCode by argument("Bankleitzahl", "Die Bankleitzahl deiner Bank")
val loginName by argument("Loginname", "Dein Onlinebanking Loginname / Anmeldename")
val password by argument("Passwort", "Dein Onlinebanking Passwort")
// val password by option("-p", "--password", help = "Dein Onlinebanking Passwort").prompt("Passwort", hideInput = true)
val retrieveBalance by option("-b", "--balance", help = "Den Kontostand abrufen. Defaults to true").flag(default = true)
val retrieveTransactions by option("-t", "--transactions", help = "Die Kontoumsätze abrufen. Default: OfLast90Days. As most banks don't afford a TAN to get transactions of last 90 days")
val retrieveTransactionsFrom by option("--from", help = "The day as ISO date from which transactions should be retrieved like 2022-02-22. If set sets 'retrieveTransactions' to '${RetrieveTransactions.AccordingToRetrieveFromAndTo}'")
.validate { it.isNullOrBlank() || LocalDate.parse(it) != null }
val retrieveTransactionsTo by option("--to", help = "The day as ISO date up to which account transactions are to be received like 2022-02-22. If set sets 'retrieveTransactions' to '${RetrieveTransactions.AccordingToRetrieveFromAndTo}'")
.validate { it.isNullOrBlank() || LocalDate.parse(it) != null }
val preferredTanMethod by option("-m", "--tan-method", help = "Your preferred TAN methods to use if action affords a TAN. Can be repeated like '-m AppTan -m SmsTan'").enum<TanMethodType>().multiple()
val abortIfRequiresTan by option("-a", "--abort-if-requires-tan", help = "If actions should be aborted if it affords a TAN. Defaults to false").flag(default = false)
override fun run() {
val retrieveTransactionsFromDate = if (retrieveTransactionsFrom.isNullOrBlank()) null else LocalDate.parse(retrieveTransactionsFrom!!)
val retrieveTransactionsToDate = if (retrieveTransactionsTo.isNullOrBlank()) null else LocalDate.parse(retrieveTransactionsTo!!)
val effectiveRetrieveTransactions = if (retrieveTransactionsFromDate != null || retrieveTransactionsToDate != null) RetrieveTransactions.AccordingToRetrieveFromAndTo
else retrieveTransactions
NativeApp().retrieveAccountData(GetAccountDataParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, null, retrieveBalance, effectiveRetrieveTransactions,
retrieveTransactionsFromDate, retrieveTransactionsToDate, preferredTanMethod, abortIfTanIsRequired = abortIfRequiresTan))
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Reference in New Issue