Compare commits
30 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
dankito | c158097d3a | |
dankito | 6908f52e48 | |
dankito | 61d8f2c342 | |
dankito | 6bf7fdcb44 | |
dankito | fbafbb62e3 | |
dankito | 9372d17313 | |
dankito | 9b1a5fa929 | |
dankito | 42bf002626 | |
dankito | 20f06387c5 | |
dankito | 75320da2be | |
dankito | be2908517f | |
dankito | c4f504dd0a | |
dankito | 0848586894 | |
dankito | 83c2882567 | |
dankito | f069f9155c | |
dankito | bf5ee4890e | |
dankito | ed4214fd49 | |
dankito | b8fe9e78e1 | |
dankito | da2bf8d469 | |
dankito | 113b817627 | |
dankito | bd18644c0d | |
dankito | b32cf94e25 | |
dankito | 8cc2f3bdcd | |
dankito | 59b8213163 | |
dankito | cb34c86665 | |
dankito | 70c1082531 | |
dankito | 30e9a57b96 | |
dankito | bf76de4f23 | |
dankito | 47e2b851b9 | |
dankito | f90e280b74 |
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ open class CsvWriter {
protected open suspend fun writeToFile(stream: AsyncStream, valueSeparator: String, customer: CustomerAccount, account: BankAccount, transaction: AccountTransaction) {
val amount = if (valueSeparator == ";") transaction.amount.amount.string.replace('.', ',') else transaction.amount.amount.string.replace(',', '.')
stream.writeString(listOf(customer.bankName, account.identifier, transaction.valueDate, amount, transaction.amount.currency, ensureNotNull(transaction.bookingText), wrap(transaction.reference),
ensureNotNull(transaction.otherPartyName), ensureNotNull(transaction.otherPartyBankCode), ensureNotNull(transaction.otherPartyAccountId)).joinToString(valueSeparator))
stream.writeString(listOf(customer.bankName, account.identifier, transaction.valueDate, amount, transaction.amount.currency, ensureNotNull(transaction.postingText), wrap(transaction.reference ?: ""),
ensureNotNull(transaction.otherPartyName), ensureNotNull(transaction.otherPartyBankId), ensureNotNull(transaction.otherPartyAccountId)).joinToString(valueSeparator))
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
| | |
| Geschäftsvorfall | Business Transaction / Job |
| Verwendungszweck | Remittance information, reference, (payment) purpose |
| Überweisung | Remittance (techn.), money transfer, bank transfer, wire transfer (Amerik.), credit transfer |
| Buchungsschlüssel | posting key |
| Buchungstext | posting text |
| | |
| Ende-zu-Ende Referenz | End to End Reference |
| Kundenreferenz | Reference of the submitting customer |
| Mandatsreferenz | mandate reference |
| Creditor Identifier | Creditor Identifier |
| Originators Identification Code | Originators Identification Code |
| Compensation Amount | Compensation Amount |
| Original Amount | Original Amount |
| Abweichender Überweisender (CT-AT08) / Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger (DD-AT38) | payer’s/debtor’s reference party (for credit transfer / payee’s / creditor’s reference party (for a direct debit) |
| Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger (CT-AT28) / Abweichender Zahlungspflichtiger (DDAT15) | payee’s/creditor’s reference party / payer’s/debtor’s reference party |
| | |
| Überweisender | Payer, debtor |
| Zahlungsempfänger | Payee, creditor |
| Zahlungseingang | Payment receipt |
| Lastschrift | direct debit |
| | |
| | |
| Primanoten-Nr. | Journal no. |
| | |
@ -63,8 +63,13 @@ open class FinTsClient(
return GetAccountDataResponse(ErrorCode.NoneOfTheAccountsSupportsRetrievingData, errorMessage,, previousJobMessageLog ?: listOf(), bank)
accountsSupportingRetrievingTransactions.forEach { account ->
retrievedTransactionsResponses.add(getAccountTransactions(param, bank, account))
for (account in accountsSupportingRetrievingTransactions) {
val response = getAccountTransactions(param, bank, account)
if (response.tanRequiredButWeWereToldToAbortIfSo || response.userCancelledAction) { // if user cancelled action or TAN is required but we were told to abort then, then don't continue with next account
val unsuccessfulJob = retrievedTransactionsResponses.firstOrNull { it.successful == false }
@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ open class FinTsClient(
protected open suspend fun getAccountTransactions(param: GetAccountDataParameter, bank: BankData, account: AccountData): GetAccountTransactionsResponse {
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.GetTransactions, this.callback, config, bank, account)
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.GetTransactions, this.callback, config, bank, account, param.preferredTanMethods, param.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication, param.preferredTanMedium)
return config.jobExecutor.getTransactionsAsync(context, mapper.toGetAccountTransactionsParameter(param, bank, account))
@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ open class FinTsClient(
accountToUse = selectedAccount
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.TransferMoney, this.callback, config, bank, accountToUse)
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.TransferMoney, this.callback, config, bank, accountToUse, param.preferredTanMethods, param.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication, param.preferredTanMedium)
val response = config.jobExecutor.transferMoneyAsync(context, BankTransferData(param.recipientName, param.recipientAccountIdentifier, recipientBankIdentifier,
param.amount, param.reference, param.instantPayment))
@ -179,12 +184,14 @@ open class FinTsClient(
return net.dankito.banking.client.model.response.FinTsClientResponse(null, null, emptyList(), param.finTsModel)
val finTsServerAddress = config.finTsServerAddressFinder.findFinTsServerAddress(param.bankCode)
val defaultValues = (param as? GetAccountDataParameter)?.defaultBankValues
val finTsServerAddress = defaultValues?.finTs3ServerAddress ?: config.finTsServerAddressFinder.findFinTsServerAddress(param.bankCode)
if (finTsServerAddress.isNullOrBlank()) {
return net.dankito.banking.client.model.response.FinTsClientResponse(ErrorCode.BankDoesNotSupportFinTs3, "Either bank does not support FinTS 3.0 or we don't know its FinTS server address", emptyList(), null)
val bank = mapper.mapToBankData(param, finTsServerAddress)
val bank = mapper.mapToBankData(param, finTsServerAddress, defaultValues)
val getAccountInfoResponse = getAccountInfo(param, bank)
@ -198,11 +205,11 @@ open class FinTsClient(
// return GetAccountInfoResponse(it)
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.GetAccountInfo, this.callback, config, bank)
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.GetAccountInfo, this.callback, config, bank, null, param.preferredTanMethods, param.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication, param.preferredTanMedium)
/* First dialog: Get user's basic data like BPD, customer system ID and her TAN methods */
val newUserInfoResponse = config.jobExecutor.retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods(context, param.preferredTanMethods, param.preferredTanMedium)
val newUserInfoResponse = config.jobExecutor.retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods(context)
/* Second dialog, executed in retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods() if required: some banks require that in order to initialize a dialog with
strong customer authorization TAN media is required */
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import net.codinux.banking.fints.callback.FinTsClientCallback
import net.codinux.banking.fints.config.FinTsClientConfiguration
@ -39,13 +37,13 @@ open class FinTsClientDeprecated(
open suspend fun addAccountAsync(parameter: AddAccountParameter): AddAccountResponse {
val bank =
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.AddAccount, this.callback, config, bank)
open suspend fun addAccountAsync(param: AddAccountParameter): AddAccountResponse {
val bank =
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.AddAccount, this.callback, config, bank, null, param.preferredTanMethods, param.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication, param.preferredTanMedium)
/* First dialog: Get user's basic data like BPD, customer system ID and her TAN methods */
val newUserInfoResponse = config.jobExecutor.retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods(context, parameter.preferredTanMethods, parameter.preferredTanMedium)
val newUserInfoResponse = config.jobExecutor.retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods(context)
if (newUserInfoResponse.successful == false) { // bank parameter (FinTS server address, ...) already seem to be wrong
return AddAccountResponse(context, newUserInfoResponse)
@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ open class FinTsClientDeprecated(
/* Second dialog, executed in retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods() if required: some banks require that in order to initialize a dialog with
strong customer authorization TAN media is required */
return addAccountGetAccountsAndTransactions(context, parameter)
return addAccountGetAccountsAndTransactions(context, param)
protected open suspend fun addAccountGetAccountsAndTransactions(context: JobContext, parameter: AddAccountParameter): AddAccountResponse {
@ -120,11 +118,11 @@ open class FinTsClientDeprecated(
return GetAccountTransactionsParameter(bank, account, account.supportsRetrievingBalance, ninetyDaysAgo, abortIfTanIsRequired = true)
open suspend fun getAccountTransactionsAsync(parameter: GetAccountTransactionsParameter): GetAccountTransactionsResponse {
open suspend fun getAccountTransactionsAsync(param: GetAccountTransactionsParameter): GetAccountTransactionsResponse {
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.GetTransactions, this.callback, config,, parameter.account)
val context = JobContext(JobContextType.GetTransactions, this.callback, config,, param.account)
return config.jobExecutor.getTransactionsAsync(context, parameter)
return config.jobExecutor.getTransactionsAsync(context, param)
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.*
import net.codinux.log.logger
import net.codinux.banking.fints.messages.MessageBuilder
import net.codinux.banking.fints.messages.MessageBuilderResult
@ -19,9 +20,7 @@ import net.codinux.banking.fints.response.segments.*
import net.codinux.banking.fints.tan.FlickerCodeDecoder
import net.codinux.banking.fints.tan.TanImageDecoder
import net.codinux.banking.fints.util.TanMethodSelector
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.minusDays
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.todayAtEuropeBerlin
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.todayAtSystemDefaultTimeZone
import net.codinux.log.Log
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
@ -75,8 +74,7 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
* Be aware this method resets BPD, UPD and selected TAN method!
open suspend fun retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods(context: JobContext, preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null, preferredTanMedium: String? = null,
closeDialog: Boolean = false): BankResponse {
open suspend fun retrieveBasicDataLikeUsersTanMethods(context: JobContext): BankResponse {
val bank =
// just to ensure settings are in its initial state and that bank sends us bank parameter (BPD),
@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
// this is the only case where Einschritt-TAN-Verfahren is accepted: to get user's TAN methods
context.startNewDialog(closeDialog, versionOfSecurityProcedure = VersionDesSicherheitsverfahrens.Version_1)
context.startNewDialog(versionOfSecurityProcedure = VersionDesSicherheitsverfahrens.Version_1)
val message = messageBuilder.createInitDialogMessage(context)
@ -105,12 +103,10 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
if (bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser.isEmpty()) { // could not retrieve supported tan methods for user
return getTanMethodsResponse
} else {
getUsersTanMethod(context, preferredTanMethods)
if (bank.isTanMethodSelected == false) {
return getTanMethodsResponse
} else if (bank.tanMedia.isEmpty() && isJobSupported(bank, CustomerSegmentId.TanMediaList)) { // tan media not retrieved yet
getTanMediaList(context, TanMedienArtVersion.Alle, TanMediumKlasse.AlleMedien, preferredTanMedium)
if (bank.isTanMethodSelected && bank.tanMedia.isEmpty() && bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser.any { it.nameOfTanMediumRequired } && isJobSupported(bank, CustomerSegmentId.TanMediaList)) { // tan media not retrieved yet
getTanMediaList(context, TanMedienArtVersion.Alle, TanMediumKlasse.AlleMedien, context.preferredTanMedium)
return getTanMethodsResponse // TODO: judge if bank requires selecting TAN media and if though evaluate getTanMediaListResponse
} else {
@ -149,6 +145,7 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
return BankResponse(true, internalError = "Die TAN Verfahren der Bank konnten nicht ermittelt werden") // TODO: translate
} else {
bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser = bank.tanMethodsSupportedByBank
.filterNot { context.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication.contains(it.type) }
val didSelectTanMethod = getUsersTanMethod(context)
@ -227,11 +224,11 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
response.getFirstSegmentById<ReceivedCreditCardTransactionsAndBalance>(InstituteSegmentId.CreditCardTransactions)?.let { creditCardTransactionsSegment ->
balance = Money(creditCardTransactionsSegment.balance.amount, creditCardTransactionsSegment.balance.currency ?: "EUR")
bookedTransactions.addAll( { AccountTransaction(parameter.account, it.amount, it.description, it.bookingDate, it.transactionDescriptionBase ?: "", null, null, "", it.valueDate) })
bookedTransactions.addAll( { AccountTransaction(parameter.account, it.amount, it.description, it.bookingDate, it.valueDate, it.transactionDescriptionBase ?: "", null, null) })
val startTime =
val startTime = Instant.nowExt()
val response = getAndHandleResponseForMessage(context, message)
@ -240,7 +237,7 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
val successful = response.tanRequiredButWeWereToldToAbortIfSo
|| (response.successful && (parameter.alsoRetrieveBalance == false || balance != null))
val fromDate = parameter.fromDate
?: parameter.account.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept?.let { LocalDate.todayAtSystemDefaultTimeZone().minusDays(it) }
?: parameter.account.serverTransactionsRetentionDays?.let { LocalDate.todayAtSystemDefaultTimeZone().minusDays(it) }
?: bookedTransactions.minByOrNull { it.valueDate }?.valueDate
val retrievedData = RetrievedAccountData(parameter.account, successful, balance, bookedTransactions, unbookedTransactions, startTime, fromDate, parameter.toDate ?: LocalDate.todayAtEuropeBerlin(), response.internalError)
@ -380,20 +377,36 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
protected open suspend fun handleEnteringTanRequired(context: JobContext, tanResponse: TanResponse, response: BankResponse): BankResponse {
// on all platforms run on Dispatchers.Main, but on iOS skip this (or wrap in withContext(Dispatchers.IO) )
// val enteredTanResult = GlobalScope.async {
val tanChallenge = createTanChallenge(tanResponse, modelMapper.mapToActionRequiringTan(context.type),, context.account)
val tanChallenge = createTanChallenge(tanResponse, modelMapper.mapToActionRequiringTan(context.type),, context.account)
while (tanChallenge.enterTanResult == null) {
mayRetrieveAutomaticallyIfUserEnteredDecoupledTan(context, tanChallenge, tanResponse)
mayRetrieveAutomaticallyIfUserEnteredDecoupledTan(context, tanChallenge, tanResponse)
var invocationCount = 0 // TODO: remove again
// TODO: add a timeout of e.g. 30 min
while (tanChallenge.isEnteringTanDone == false) {
if (++invocationCount % 10 == 0) {
|||| { "Waiting for TAN input invocation count: $invocationCount" }
val now = Instant.nowExt()
if ((tanChallenge.tanExpirationTime != null && now > tanChallenge.tanExpirationTime) ||
// most TANs a valid 5 - 15 minutes. So terminate wait process after that time
(tanChallenge.tanExpirationTime == null && now > tanChallenge.challengeCreationTimestamp.plusMinutes(15))) {
if (tanChallenge.isEnteringTanDone == false) {
|||| { "Terminating waiting for TAN input" } // TODO: remove again
val enteredTanResult = tanChallenge.enterTanResult!!
// }
return handleEnterTanResult(context, enteredTanResult, tanResponse, response)
@ -408,13 +421,13 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
TanMethodType.ChipTanFlickercode ->
FlickerCodeDecoder().decodeChallenge(challenge, tanMethod.hhdVersion ?: HHDVersion.HHD_1_4), // HHD 1.4 is currently the most used version
forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanResponse.tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account)
forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanResponse.tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account, tanResponse.tanExpirationTime)
TanMethodType.ChipTanQrCode, TanMethodType.ChipTanPhotoTanMatrixCode,
TanMethodType.QrCode, TanMethodType.photoTan ->
ImageTanChallenge(TanImageDecoder().decodeChallenge(challenge), forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanResponse.tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account)
ImageTanChallenge(TanImageDecoder().decodeChallenge(challenge), forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanResponse.tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account, tanResponse.tanExpirationTime)
else -> TanChallenge(forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanResponse.tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account)
else -> TanChallenge(forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanResponse.tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account, tanResponse.tanExpirationTime)
@ -472,6 +485,8 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
return null
@ -616,7 +631,7 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
protected open suspend fun initDialogWithStrongCustomerAuthenticationAfterSuccessfulPreconditionChecks(context: JobContext): BankResponse {
context.startNewDialog(false) // don't know if it's ok for all invocations of this method to set closeDialog to false (was actually only set in getAccounts())
context.startNewDialog() // don't know if it's ok for all invocations of this method to set closeDialog to false (was actually only set in getAccounts())
val message = messageBuilder.createInitDialogMessage(context)
@ -692,7 +707,7 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
return BankResponse(true, noTanMethodSelected = noTanMethodSelected, internalError = errorMessage)
open suspend fun getUsersTanMethod(context: JobContext, preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null): Boolean {
open suspend fun getUsersTanMethod(context: JobContext): Boolean {
val bank =
if (bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser.size == 1) { // user has only one TAN method -> set it and we're done
@ -700,13 +715,13 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
return true
else {
tanMethodSelector.findPreferredTanMethod(bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser, preferredTanMethods)?.let {
tanMethodSelector.findPreferredTanMethod(bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser, context.preferredTanMethods, context.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication)?.let {
bank.selectedTanMethod = it
return true
// we know user's supported tan methods, now ask user which one to select
val suggestedTanMethod = tanMethodSelector.getSuggestedTanMethod(bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser)
val suggestedTanMethod = tanMethodSelector.getSuggestedTanMethod(bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser, context.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication)
val selectedTanMethod = context.callback.askUserForTanMethod(bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser, suggestedTanMethod)
@ -727,14 +742,14 @@ open class FinTsJobExecutor(
protected open fun updateBankAndCustomerDataIfResponseSuccessful(context: JobContext, response: BankResponse) {
if (response.successful) {
updateBankAndCustomerData(, response)
updateBankAndCustomerData(, response, context)
protected open fun updateBankAndCustomerData(bank: BankData, response: BankResponse) {
protected open fun updateBankAndCustomerData(bank: BankData, response: BankResponse, context: JobContext) {
updateBankData(bank, response)
modelMapper.updateCustomerData(bank, response)
modelMapper.updateCustomerData(bank, response, context)
@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ data class FinTsClientOptions(
* Defaults to true.
val removeSensitiveDataFromMessageLog: Boolean = true,
val closeDialogs: Boolean = true,
val version: String = "1.0.0", // TODO: get version dynamically
val productName: String = "15E53C26816138699C7B6A3E8"
) {
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.DateTimeUnit
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
// should actually be named `now()`, but that name is already shadowed by deprecated method
fun Instant.Companion.nowExt(): Instant =
fun Instant.plusMinutes(minutes: Int) =, DateTimeUnit.MINUTE)
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ fun LocalDateTime.Companion.nowAtEuropeBerlin(): LocalDateTime {
fun LocalDateTime.Companion.nowAt(timeZone: TimeZone): LocalDateTime {
return Instant.nowExt().toLocalDateTime(timeZone)
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlin.random.Random
fun randomWithSeed(): Random = Random(randomSeed())
fun randomSeed(): Long {
return +
return Instant.nowExt().nanosecondsOfSecond.toLong() + Instant.nowExt().toEpochMilliseconds()
@ -26,8 +26,11 @@ open class FinTsModelMapper {
protected open val bicFinder = BicFinder()
open fun mapToBankData(param: FinTsClientParameter, finTsServerAddress: String): BankData {
return BankData(param.bankCode, param.loginName, param.password, finTsServerAddress, bicFinder.findBic(param.bankCode) ?: "")
open fun mapToBankData(param: FinTsClientParameter, finTsServerAddress: String, defaultValues: BankData? = null): BankData {
return BankData(
param.bankCode, param.loginName, param.password, finTsServerAddress,
defaultValues?.bic ?: bicFinder.findBic(param.bankCode) ?: "", defaultValues?.bankName ?: ""
open fun mapToAccountData(credentials: BankAccountIdentifier, param: FinTsClientParameter): AccountData {
@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ open class FinTsModelMapper {
open fun map(account: AccountData): BankAccount {
return BankAccount(account.accountIdentifier, account.subAccountAttribute, account.iban, account.accountHolderName, map(account.accountType), account.productName,
account.currency ?: Currency.DefaultCurrencyCode, account.accountLimit, account.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept, account.isAccountTypeSupportedByApplication,
account.currency ?: Currency.DefaultCurrencyCode, account.accountLimit, account.serverTransactionsRetentionDays, account.isAccountTypeSupportedByApplication,
account.supportsRetrievingAccountTransactions, account.supportsRetrievingBalance, account.supportsTransferringMoney, account.supportsRealTimeTransfer)
@ -111,14 +114,28 @@ open class FinTsModelMapper {
open fun map(transaction: net.codinux.banking.fints.model.AccountTransaction): AccountTransaction {
return AccountTransaction(transaction.amount, transaction.unparsedReference, transaction.bookingDate,
transaction.otherPartyName, transaction.otherPartyBankCode, transaction.otherPartyAccountId, transaction.bookingText, transaction.valueDate,
transaction.statementNumber, transaction.sequenceNumber, transaction.openingBalance, transaction.closingBalance,
transaction.endToEndReference, transaction.customerReference, transaction.mandateReference, transaction.creditorIdentifier, transaction.originatorsIdentificationCode,
transaction.compensationAmount, transaction.originalAmount, transaction.sepaReference, transaction.deviantOriginator, transaction.deviantRecipient,
transaction.referenceWithNoSpecialType, transaction.primaNotaNumber, transaction.textKeySupplement,
transaction.currencyType, transaction.bookingKey, transaction.referenceForTheAccountOwner, transaction.referenceOfTheAccountServicingInstitution, transaction.supplementaryDetails,
transaction.transactionReferenceNumber, transaction.relatedReferenceNumber)
return AccountTransaction(
transaction.amount, transaction.reference,
transaction.bookingDate, transaction.valueDate,
transaction.otherPartyName, transaction.otherPartyBankId, transaction.otherPartyAccountId,
transaction.openingBalance, transaction.closingBalance,
transaction.statementNumber, transaction.sheetNumber,
transaction.customerReference, transaction.bankReference, transaction.furtherInformation,
transaction.endToEndReference, transaction.mandateReference, transaction.creditorIdentifier, transaction.originatorsIdentificationCode,
transaction.compensationAmount, transaction.originalAmount, transaction.deviantOriginator, transaction.deviantRecipient,
transaction.journalNumber, transaction.textKeyAddition,
transaction.orderReferenceNumber, transaction.referenceNumber,
@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ open class AccountData(
|| allowedJobNames.contains(
open var countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept: Int? = null
* Count days for which transactions are stored on bank server (if available).
open var serverTransactionsRetentionDays: Int? = null
protected open val _supportedFeatures = mutableSetOf<AccountFeature>()
@ -7,59 +7,124 @@ import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.UnixEpochStart
open class AccountTransaction(
val account: AccountData,
val amount: Money,
val isReversal: Boolean,
val unparsedReference: String,
val reference: String?, // that was also new to me that reference may is null
val bookingDate: LocalDate,
val otherPartyName: String?,
val otherPartyBankCode: String?,
val otherPartyAccountId: String?,
val bookingText: String?,
val valueDate: LocalDate,
val statementNumber: Int,
val sequenceNumber: Int?,
* Name des Überweisenden oder Zahlungsempfängers
val otherPartyName: String?,
* BIC des Überweisenden / Zahlungsempfängers
val otherPartyBankId: String?,
* IBAN des Überweisenden oder Zahlungsempfängers
val otherPartyAccountId: String?,
val postingText: String?,
val openingBalance: Money?,
val closingBalance: Money?,
val endToEndReference: String?,
* Auszugsnummer
val statementNumber: Int,
* Blattnummer
val sheetNumber: Int?,
* Kundenreferenz.
val customerReference: String?,
* Bankreferenz
val bankReference: String?,
* Währungsart und Umsatzbetrag in Ursprungswährung
val furtherInformation: String?,
/* Remittance information */
val endToEndReference: String?,
val mandateReference: String?,
val creditorIdentifier: String?,
val originatorsIdentificationCode: String?,
* Summe aus Auslagenersatz und Bearbeitungsprovision bei einer nationalen Rücklastschrift
* sowie optionalem Zinsausgleich.
val compensationAmount: String?,
* Betrag der ursprünglichen Lastschrift
val originalAmount: String?,
val sepaReference: String?,
* Abweichender Überweisender oder Zahlungsempfänger
val deviantOriginator: String?,
* Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger oder Zahlungspflichtiger
val deviantRecipient: String?,
val referenceWithNoSpecialType: String?,
val primaNotaNumber: String?,
val textKeySupplement: String?,
val currencyType: String?,
val bookingKey: String,
val referenceForTheAccountOwner: String,
val referenceOfTheAccountServicingInstitution: String?,
val supplementaryDetails: String?,
* Primanoten-Nr.
val journalNumber: String?,
* Bei R-Transaktionen siehe Tabelle der
* SEPA-Rückgabecodes, bei SEPALastschriften siehe optionale Belegung
* bei GVC 104 und GVC 105 (GVC = Geschäftsvorfallcode)
val textKeyAddition: String?,
val transactionReferenceNumber: String,
val relatedReferenceNumber: String?
* Referenznummer, die vom Sender als eindeutige Kennung für die Nachricht vergeben wurde
* (z.B. als Referenz auf stornierte Nachrichten).
val orderReferenceNumber: String?,
* Bezugsreferenz
val referenceNumber: String?,
* Storno, ob die Buchung storniert wurde(?).
* Aus:
* „RC“ = Storno Haben
* „RD“ = Storno Soll
val isReversal: Boolean
) {
// for object deserializers
internal constructor() : this(AccountData(), Money(Amount.Zero, ""), "", UnixEpochStart, null, null, null, null, UnixEpochStart)
internal constructor() : this(AccountData(), Money(Amount.Zero, ""), "", UnixEpochStart, UnixEpochStart, null, null, null, null)
constructor(account: AccountData, amount: Money, unparsedReference: String, bookingDate: LocalDate, otherPartyName: String?, otherPartyBankCode: String?, otherPartyAccountId: String?, bookingText: String?, valueDate: LocalDate)
: this(account, amount, false, unparsedReference, bookingDate, otherPartyName, otherPartyBankCode, otherPartyAccountId, bookingText, valueDate,
0, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, "", "", null, null, "", null)
constructor(account: AccountData, amount: Money, unparsedReference: String, bookingDate: LocalDate, valueDate: LocalDate, otherPartyName: String?, otherPartyBankId: String?, otherPartyAccountId: String?, postingText: String? = null)
: this(account, amount, unparsedReference, bookingDate, valueDate, otherPartyName, otherPartyBankId, otherPartyAccountId, postingText,
null, null, 0, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
"", null, null, "", null, false)
open val showOtherPartyName: Boolean
get() = otherPartyName.isNullOrBlank() == false /* && type != "ENTGELTABSCHLUSS" && type != "AUSZAHLUNG" */ // TODO
val reference: String
get() = sepaReference ?: unparsedReference
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
@ -67,12 +132,12 @@ open class AccountTransaction(
if (account != other.account) return false
if (amount != other.amount) return false
if (unparsedReference != other.unparsedReference) return false
if (reference != other.reference) return false
if (bookingDate != other.bookingDate) return false
if (otherPartyName != other.otherPartyName) return false
if (otherPartyBankCode != other.otherPartyBankCode) return false
if (otherPartyBankId != other.otherPartyBankId) return false
if (otherPartyAccountId != other.otherPartyAccountId) return false
if (bookingText != other.bookingText) return false
if (postingText != other.postingText) return false
if (valueDate != other.valueDate) return false
return true
@ -81,19 +146,19 @@ open class AccountTransaction(
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = account.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + amount.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + unparsedReference.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + reference.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + bookingDate.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyName?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyBankCode?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyBankId?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyAccountId?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (bookingText?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (postingText?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + valueDate.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String {
return "$valueDate $amount $otherPartyName: $unparsedReference"
return "$valueDate $amount $otherPartyName: $reference"
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ open class AddAccountParameter @JvmOverloads constructor(
open val bank: BankData,
open val fetchBalanceAndTransactions: Boolean = true,
open val preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
open val tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
open val preferredTanMedium: String? = null
) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.model
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import net.codinux.banking.fints.tan.FlickerCode
@ -11,8 +12,9 @@ open class FlickerCodeTanChallenge(
tanMethod: TanMethod,
tanMediaIdentifier: String?,
bank: BankData,
account: AccountData? = null
) : TanChallenge(forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account) {
account: AccountData? = null,
tanExpirationTime: Instant? = null
) : TanChallenge(forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account, tanExpirationTime) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$tanMethod (medium: $tanMediaIdentifier) $flickerCode: $messageToShowToUser"
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.model
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import net.codinux.banking.fints.tan.TanImage
@ -11,8 +12,9 @@ open class ImageTanChallenge(
tanMethod: TanMethod,
tanMediaIdentifier: String?,
bank: BankData,
account: AccountData? = null
) : TanChallenge(forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account) {
account: AccountData? = null,
tanExpirationTime: Instant? = null
) : TanChallenge(forAction, messageToShowToUser, challenge, tanMethod, tanMediaIdentifier, bank, account, tanExpirationTime) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$tanMethod (medium: $tanMediaIdentifier) $image: $messageToShowToUser"
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ open class JobContext(
* Only set if the current context is for a specific account (like get account's transactions).
open val account: AccountData? = null,
open val preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
open val preferredTanMedium: String? = null,
protected open val messageLogCollector: MessageLogCollector = MessageLogCollector(callback, config.options)
) : MessageBaseData(bank, config.options.product), IMessageLogAppender {
@ -35,6 +38,8 @@ open class JobContext(
protected open val _dialogs = mutableListOf<DialogContext>()
open val tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType> = tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication ?: emptyList()
open val mt940Parser: IAccountTransactionsParser = Mt940AccountTransactionsParser(Mt940Parser(this), this)
open val responseParser: ResponseParser = ResponseParser(logAppender = this)
@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ open class JobContext(
protected open var dialogNumber: Int = 0
open fun startNewDialog(closeDialog: Boolean = true, dialogId: String = DialogContext.InitialDialogId,
open fun startNewDialog(closeDialog: Boolean = config.options.closeDialogs, dialogId: String = DialogContext.InitialDialogId,
versionOfSecurityProcedure: VersionDesSicherheitsverfahrens = VersionDesSicherheitsverfahrens.Version_2,
chunkedResponseHandler: ((BankResponse) -> Unit)? = dialog.chunkedResponseHandler) : DialogContext {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.model
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.nowExt
import net.codinux.banking.fints.log.MessageContext
import net.codinux.banking.fints.response.segments.ReceivedSegment
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ open class MessageLogEntry(
* Is only set if [type] is set to [MessageLogEntryType.Received] and response parsing was successful.
open val parsedSegments: List<ReceivedSegment> = emptyList(),
open val time: Instant =
open val time: Instant = Instant.nowExt()
) {
val messageIncludingMessageTrace: String
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.model
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.nowExt
import net.codinux.banking.fints.messages.datenelemente.implementierte.tan.TanMedium
import net.codinux.banking.fints.response.BankResponse
import net.codinux.banking.fints.response.client.FinTsClientResponse
import net.codinux.log.Log
open class TanChallenge(
@ -12,7 +15,14 @@ open class TanChallenge(
val tanMethod: TanMethod,
val tanMediaIdentifier: String?,
val bank: BankData,
val account: AccountData? = null
val account: AccountData? = null,
* Datum und Uhrzeit, bis zu welchem Zeitpunkt eine TAN auf Basis der gesendeten Challenge gültig ist. Nach Ablauf der Gültigkeitsdauer wird die entsprechende TAN entwertet.
* In server's time zone, that is Europe/Berlin.
val tanExpirationTime: Instant? = null,
val challengeCreationTimestamp: Instant = Instant.nowExt()
) {
var enterTanResult: EnterTanResult? = null
@ -21,6 +31,8 @@ open class TanChallenge(
open val isEnteringTanDone: Boolean
get() = enterTanResult != null
private val tanExpiredCallbacks = mutableListOf<() -> Unit>()
private val userApprovedDecoupledTanCallbacks = mutableListOf<() -> Unit>()
@ -31,23 +43,59 @@ open class TanChallenge(
internal fun userApprovedDecoupledTan(responseAfterApprovingDecoupledTan: BankResponse) {
this.enterTanResult = EnterTanResult(null, true, responseAfterApprovingDecoupledTan)
userApprovedDecoupledTanCallbacks.forEach { it.invoke() }
userApprovedDecoupledTanCallbacks.toTypedArray().forEach { // copy to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Log.error(e) { "Could not call userApprovedDecoupledTanCallback" }
fun userDidNotEnterTan() {
this.enterTanResult = EnterTanResult(null)
internal fun tanExpired() {
tanExpiredCallbacks.toTypedArray().forEach {
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Log.error(e) { "Could not call tanExpiredCallback" }
fun userAsksToChangeTanMethod(changeTanMethodTo: TanMethod) {
this.enterTanResult = EnterTanResult(null, changeTanMethodTo = changeTanMethodTo)
fun userAsksToChangeTanMedium(changeTanMediumTo: TanMedium, changeTanMediumResultCallback: ((FinTsClientResponse) -> Unit)?) {
this.enterTanResult = EnterTanResult(null, changeTanMediumTo = changeTanMediumTo, changeTanMediumResultCallback = changeTanMediumResultCallback)
fun addTanExpiredCallback(callback: () -> Unit) {
if (isEnteringTanDone == false) {
protected open fun clearTanExpiredCallbacks() {
fun addUserApprovedDecoupledTanCallback(callback: () -> Unit) {
if (isEnteringTanDone == false) {
@ -56,6 +104,10 @@ open class TanChallenge(
protected open fun clearUserApprovedDecoupledTanCallbacks() {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$tanMethod (medium: $tanMediaIdentifier): $messageToShowToUser"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ open class ModelMapper(
open fun updateCustomerData(bank: BankData, response: BankResponse) {
open fun updateCustomerData(bank: BankData, response: BankResponse, context: JobContext) {
response.getFirstSegmentById<BankParameters>(InstituteSegmentId.BankParameters)?.let { bankParameters ->
// TODO: ask user if there is more than one supported language? But it seems that almost all banks only support German.
if (bank.selectedLanguage == Dialogsprache.Default && bankParameters.supportedLanguages.isNotEmpty()) {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ open class ModelMapper(
accountInfo.accountLimit, accountInfo.allowedJobNames)
bank.supportedJobs.filterIsInstance<RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters>().sortedByDescending { it.segmentVersion }.firstOrNull { newAccount.allowedJobNames.contains(it.jobName) }?.let { transactionsParameters ->
newAccount.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept = transactionsParameters.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept
newAccount.serverTransactionsRetentionDays = transactionsParameters.serverTransactionsRetentionDays
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ open class ModelMapper(
if (response.supportedTanMethodsForUser.isNotEmpty()) {
bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser = response.supportedTanMethodsForUser.mapNotNull { findTanMethod(it, bank) }
.filterNot { context.tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication.contains(it.type) }
if (bank.tanMethodsAvailableForUser.firstOrNull { it.securityFunction == bank.selectedTanMethod.securityFunction } == null) { // supportedTanMethods don't contain selectedTanMethod anymore
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.response
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalTime
import kotlinx.datetime.atTime
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.EuropeBerlin
import net.codinux.log.logger
import net.codinux.banking.fints.log.IMessageLogAppender
import net.codinux.banking.fints.messages.Separators
@ -577,7 +575,7 @@ open class ResponseParser(
if (dataElementGroups.size > 3) parseStringToNullIfEmpty(dataElementGroups[3]) else null,
if (dataElementGroups.size > 4) parseStringToNullIfEmpty(dataElementGroups[4]) else null,
binaryChallengeHHD_UC?.let { extractBinaryData(it) },
if (dataElementGroups.size > 6) parseNullableDateTime(dataElementGroups[6]) else null,
if (dataElementGroups.size > 6) parseNullableDateTime(dataElementGroups[6])?.toInstant(TimeZone.EuropeBerlin) else null,
if (dataElementGroups.size > 7) parseStringToNullIfEmpty(dataElementGroups[7]) else null,
@ -748,11 +746,11 @@ open class ResponseParser(
val transactionsParameterIndex = if (jobParameters.segmentVersion >= 6) 4 else 3
val dataElements = getDataElements(dataElementGroups[transactionsParameterIndex])
val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept = parseInt(dataElements[0])
val serverTransactionsRetentionDays = parseInt(dataElements[0])
val settingCountEntriesAllowed = parseBoolean(dataElements[1])
val settingAllAccountAllowed = if (dataElements.size > 2) parseBoolean(dataElements[2]) else false
return RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters(jobParameters, countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept, settingCountEntriesAllowed, settingAllAccountAllowed)
return RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters(jobParameters, serverTransactionsRetentionDays, settingCountEntriesAllowed, settingAllAccountAllowed)
@ -805,11 +803,11 @@ open class ResponseParser(
val transactionsParameterIndex = if (jobParameters.segmentVersion >= 2) 4 else 3 // TODO: check if at segment version 1 the transactions parameter are the third data elements group
val dataElements = getDataElements(dataElementGroups[transactionsParameterIndex])
val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept = parseInt(dataElements[0])
val serverTransactionsRetentionDays = parseInt(dataElements[0])
val settingCountEntriesAllowed = parseBoolean(dataElements[1])
val settingAllAccountAllowed = if (dataElements.size > 2) parseBoolean(dataElements[2]) else false
return RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters(jobParameters, countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept, settingCountEntriesAllowed, settingAllAccountAllowed)
return RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters(jobParameters, serverTransactionsRetentionDays, settingCountEntriesAllowed, settingAllAccountAllowed)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package net.codinux.banking.fints.response.segments
open class RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters(
parameters: JobParameters,
open val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept: Int,
open val serverTransactionsRetentionDays: Int,
open val settingCountEntriesAllowed: Boolean,
open val settingAllAccountAllowed: Boolean
) : JobParameters(parameters) {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.response.segments
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import net.codinux.banking.fints.messages.datenelemente.implementierte.tan.TanProcess
@ -31,7 +31,13 @@ open class TanResponse(
val challenge: String?, // M: bei TAN-Prozess=1, 3, 4. O: bei TAN-Prozess=2
val challengeHHD_UC: String?,
val validityDateTimeForChallenge: LocalDateTime?,
* Datum und Uhrzeit, bis zu welchem Zeitpunkt eine TAN auf Basis der gesendeten Challenge gültig ist. Nach Ablauf der Gültigkeitsdauer wird die entsprechende TAN entwertet.
* In server's time zone, that is Europe/Berlin.
val tanExpirationTime: Instant?,
val tanMediaIdentifier: String? = null, // M: bei TAN-Prozess=1, 3, 4 und „Anzahl unterstützter aktiver TAN-Medien“ nicht vorhanden. O: sonst
segmentString: String
@ -44,44 +44,50 @@ open class Mt940AccountTransactionsParser(
protected open fun mapToAccountTransaction(statement: AccountStatement, transaction: Transaction, account: AccountData): AccountTransaction {
val currency = statement.closingBalance.currency
// may parse postingKey to postingText (Buchungstext) according to table in 8.2.3 Buchungsschlüssel (Feld 61), S. 654 ff.
return AccountTransaction(
Money(mapAmount(transaction.statementLine), currency),
transaction.information?.unparsedReference ?: "",
// either field :86: contains structured information, then sepaReference is a mandatory field, or :86: is unstructured, then the whole field value is the reference
transaction.information?.sepaReference ?: transaction.information?.unparsedReference ?: "",
transaction.statementLine.bookingDate ?: statement.closingBalance.bookingDate,
Money(mapAmount(statement.openingBalance), currency),
Money(mapAmount(statement.closingBalance), currency),
Money(mapAmount(statement.openingBalance), currency), // TODO: that's not true, these are the opening and closing balance of
Money(mapAmount(statement.closingBalance), currency), // all transactions of this day, not this specific transaction's ones
// :60: customer reference: Wenn „KREF+“ eingestellt ist, dann erfolgt die Angabe der Referenznummer in Tag :86: .
transaction.information?.customerReference ?: transaction.statementLine.customerReference,
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
val AccountStatementFieldSeparatorRegex = Regex("(?<!T\\d\\d(:\\d\\d)?):\\d\\d\\w?:")
const val TransactionReferenceNumberCode = "20"
const val OrderReferenceNumberCode = "20"
const val RelatedReferenceNumberCode = "21"
const val ReferenceNumberCode = "21"
const val AccountIdentificationCode = "25"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
const val StatementLineCode = "61"
const val InformationToAccountOwnerCode = "86"
const val RemittanceInformationFieldCode = "86"
const val ClosingBalanceCode = "62"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
val ReferenceTypeRegex = Regex("[A-Z]{4}\\+")
val InformationToAccountOwnerSubFieldRegex = Regex("\\?\\d\\d")
val RemittanceInformationSubFieldRegex = Regex("\\?\\d\\d")
const val EndToEndReferenceKey = "EREF+"
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
val closingBalancePair = fieldsByCode.first { it.first.startsWith(ClosingBalanceCode) }
return AccountStatement(
getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, TransactionReferenceNumberCode),
getOptionalFieldValue(fieldsByCode, RelatedReferenceNumberCode),
getFieldValue(fieldsByCode, OrderReferenceNumberCode),
getOptionalFieldValue(fieldsByCode, ReferenceNumberCode),
if (accountIdentification.size > 1) accountIdentification[1] else null,
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
val statementLine = parseStatementLine(pair.second)
val nextPair = if (index < fieldsByCode.size - 1) fieldsByCode.get(index + 1) else null
val information = if (nextPair?.first == InformationToAccountOwnerCode) parseNullableInformationToAccountOwner(nextPair.second) else null
val information = if (nextPair?.first == RemittanceInformationFieldCode) parseNullableRemittanceInformationField(nextPair.second) else null
transactions.add(Transaction(statementLine, information))
@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
val transactionType = fieldValue.substring(amountEndIndex, amountEndIndex + 1) // transaction type is 'N', 'S' or 'F'
val bookingKeyStart = amountEndIndex + 1
val bookingKey = fieldValue.substring(bookingKeyStart, bookingKeyStart + 3) // TODO: parse codes, p. 178
val postingKeyStart = amountEndIndex + 1
val postingKey = fieldValue.substring(postingKeyStart, postingKeyStart + 3) // TODO: parse codes, p. 178
val customerAndBankReference = fieldValue.substring(bookingKeyStart + 3).split("//")
val customerReference = customerAndBankReference[0]
val customerAndBankReference = fieldValue.substring(postingKeyStart + 3).split("//")
val customerReference = customerAndBankReference[0].takeIf { it != "NONREF" }
* The content of this subfield is the account servicing institution's own reference for the transaction.
@ -281,58 +281,58 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
* reference may be identical to subfield 7, Reference for the Account Owner. If this is
* the case, Reference of the Account Servicing Institution, subfield 8 may be omitted.
var bankReference = if (customerAndBankReference.size > 1) customerAndBankReference[1] else customerReference // TODO: or use null?
var supplementaryDetails: String? = null
var bankReference = if (customerAndBankReference.size > 1) customerAndBankReference[1] else null
var furtherInformation: String? = null
val bankReferenceAndSupplementaryDetails = bankReference.split("\n")
if (bankReferenceAndSupplementaryDetails.size > 1) {
bankReference = bankReferenceAndSupplementaryDetails[0].trim()
if (bankReference != null && bankReference.contains('\n')) {
val bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation = bankReference.split("\n")
bankReference = bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation[0].trim()
// TODO: parse /OCMT/ and /CHGS/, see page 518
supplementaryDetails = bankReferenceAndSupplementaryDetails[1].trim()
furtherInformation = bankReferenceAndFurtherInformation[1].trim()
return StatementLine(!!!isDebit, isCancellation, valueDate, bookingDate, null, amount, bookingKey,
customerReference, bankReference, supplementaryDetails)
return StatementLine(!!!isDebit, isCancellation, valueDate, bookingDate, null, amount, postingKey,
customerReference, bankReference, furtherInformation)
protected open fun parseNullableInformationToAccountOwner(informationToAccountOwnerString: String): InformationToAccountOwner? {
protected open fun parseNullableRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString: String): RemittanceInformationField? {
try {
val information = parseInformationToAccountOwner(informationToAccountOwnerString)
val information = parseRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString)
return information
} catch (e: Exception) {
logError("Could not parse InformationToAccountOwner from field value '$informationToAccountOwnerString'", e)
logError("Could not parse RemittanceInformationField from field value '$remittanceInformationFieldString'", e)
return null
protected open fun parseInformationToAccountOwner(informationToAccountOwnerString: String): InformationToAccountOwner {
protected open fun parseRemittanceInformationField(remittanceInformationFieldString: String): RemittanceInformationField {
// e. g. starts with 0 -> Inlandszahlungsverkehr, starts with '3' -> Wertpapiergeschäft
// see Finanzdatenformate p. 209 - 215
val geschaeftsvorfallCode = informationToAccountOwnerString.substring(0, 2) // TODO: may map
val geschaeftsvorfallCode = remittanceInformationFieldString.substring(0, 2) // TODO: may map
val referenceParts = mutableListOf<String>()
val otherPartyName = StringBuilder()
var otherPartyBankCode: String? = null
var otherPartyBankId: String? = null
var otherPartyAccountId: String? = null
var bookingText: String? = null
var primaNotaNumber: String? = null
var textKeySupplement: String? = null
val subFieldMatches = InformationToAccountOwnerSubFieldRegex.findAll(informationToAccountOwnerString).toList()
val subFieldMatches = RemittanceInformationSubFieldRegex.findAll(remittanceInformationFieldString).toList()
subFieldMatches.forEachIndexed { index, matchResult ->
val fieldCode = matchResult.value.substring(1, 3).toInt()
val endIndex = if (index + 1 < subFieldMatches.size) subFieldMatches[index + 1].range.start else informationToAccountOwnerString.length
val fieldValue = informationToAccountOwnerString.substring(matchResult.range.last + 1, endIndex)
val endIndex = if (index + 1 < subFieldMatches.size) subFieldMatches[index + 1].range.start else remittanceInformationFieldString.length
val fieldValue = remittanceInformationFieldString.substring(matchResult.range.last + 1, endIndex)
when (fieldCode) {
0 -> bookingText = fieldValue
10 -> primaNotaNumber = fieldValue
in 20..29 -> referenceParts.add(fieldValue)
30 -> otherPartyBankCode = fieldValue
30 -> otherPartyBankId = fieldValue
31 -> otherPartyAccountId = fieldValue
32, 33 -> otherPartyName.append(fieldValue)
34 -> textKeySupplement = fieldValue
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
val otherPartyNameString = if (otherPartyName.isBlank()) null else otherPartyName.toString()
return InformationToAccountOwner(
reference, otherPartyNameString, otherPartyBankCode, otherPartyAccountId,
return RemittanceInformationField(
reference, otherPartyNameString, otherPartyBankId, otherPartyAccountId,
bookingText, primaNotaNumber, textKeySupplement
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
* Weitere 4 Verwendungszwecke können zu den Feldschlüsseln 60 bis 63 eingestellt werden.
protected open fun mapReference(information: InformationToAccountOwner) {
protected open fun mapReference(information: RemittanceInformationField) {
val referenceParts = getReferenceParts(information.unparsedReference)
referenceParts.forEach { entry ->
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ open class Mt940Parser(
// TODO: there are more. See .pdf from Deutsche Bank
protected open fun setReferenceLineValue(information: InformationToAccountOwner, referenceType: String, typeValue: String) {
protected open fun setReferenceLineValue(information: RemittanceInformationField, referenceType: String, typeValue: String) {
when (referenceType) {
EndToEndReferenceKey -> information.endToEndReference = typeValue
CustomerReferenceKey -> information.customerReference = typeValue
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open class AccountStatement(
* Max length = 16
val transactionReferenceNumber: String,
val orderReferenceNumber: String,
* Bezugsreferenz oder „NONREF“.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open class AccountStatement(
* Max length = 16
val relatedReferenceNumber: String?,
val referenceNumber: String?,
* xxxxxxxxxxx/Konto-Nr. oder yyyyyyyy/Konto-Nr.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ open class AccountStatement(
* Max length = 5
val sequenceNumber: Int?,
val sheetNumber: Int?,
val openingBalance: Balance,
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ open class AccountStatement(
* Max length = 65
val multipurposeField: String? = null
val remittanceInformationField: String? = null
) {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open class Balance(
val isCredit: Boolean,
* JJMMTT = Buchungsdatum des Saldos oder '0' beim ersten Auszug
* JJMMTT = Buchungsdatum des Saldos oder '000000' beim ersten Auszug
* Max length = 6
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model
open class InformationToAccountOwner(
val unparsedReference: String,
val otherPartyName: String?,
val otherPartyBankCode: String?,
val otherPartyAccountId: String?,
val bookingText: String?,
val primaNotaNumber: String?,
val textKeySupplement: String?
) {
var endToEndReference: String? = null
var customerReference: String? = null
var mandateReference: String? = null
var creditorIdentifier: String? = null
var originatorsIdentificationCode: String? = null
var compensationAmount: String? = null
var originalAmount: String? = null
var sepaReference: String? = null
var deviantOriginator: String? = null
var deviantRecipient: String? = null
var referenceWithNoSpecialType: String? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "$otherPartyName $unparsedReference"
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model
open class RemittanceInformationField(
val unparsedReference: String,
* AT 02 Name des Überweisenden
* AT 03 Name des Zahlungsempfängers (bei mehr als 54 Zeichen wird der Name gekürzt)
val otherPartyName: String?,
* BLZ Überweisender / Zahlungsempfänger
* Bei SEPA-Zahlungen BIC des Überweisenden / Zahlungsempfängers.
val otherPartyBankId: String?,
* AT 01 IBAN des Überweisenden (Zahlungseingang Überweisung)
* AT 04 IBAN des Zahlungsempfängers (Eingang Lastschrift)
val otherPartyAccountId: String?,
val postingText: String?,
* Primanoten-Nr.
val journalNumber: String?,
* Bei R-Transaktionen siehe Tabelle der
* SEPA-Rückgabecodes, bei SEPALastschriften siehe optionale Belegung
* bei GVC 104 und GVC 105 (GVC = Geschäftsvorfallcode)
val textKeyAddition: String?
) {
* (DDAT10; CT-AT41 - Angabe verpflichtend)
* (NOTPROVIDED wird nicht eingestellt.
* Im Falle von Schecks wird hinter EREF+ die Konstante „SCHECK-NR. “, gefolgt von der Schecknummer angegeben (erst
* nach Migration Scheckvordruck auf ISO 20022; November 2016, entspricht dem Inhalt der EndToEndId des
* entsprechenden Scheckumsatzes).
var endToEndReference: String? = null
var customerReference: String? = null
* (DD-AT01 - Angabe verpflichtend)
var mandateReference: String? = null
* (DD-AT02 - Angabe verpflichtend bei SEPALastschriften, nicht jedoch bei SEPARücklastschriften)
var creditorIdentifier: String? = null
* (CT-AT10- Angabe verpflichtend,)
* Entweder CRED oder DEBT
var originatorsIdentificationCode: String? = null
* Summe aus Auslagenersatz und Bearbeitungsprovision bei einer nationalen Rücklastschrift
* sowie optionalem Zinsausgleich.
var compensationAmount: String? = null
* Betrag der ursprünglichen Lastschrift
var originalAmount: String? = null
* (DD-AT22; CT-AT05 -Angabe verpflichtend, nicht jedoch bei RTransaktionen52)
var sepaReference: String? = null
* Abweichender Überweisender (CT-AT08) / Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger (DD-AT38)
* (optional)53
var deviantOriginator: String? = null
* Abweichender Zahlungsempfänger (CT-AT28) /
* Abweichender Zahlungspflichtiger ((DDAT15)
* (optional)53
var deviantRecipient: String? = null
var referenceWithNoSpecialType: String? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "$otherPartyName $unparsedReference"
@ -42,26 +42,57 @@ open class StatementLine(
val currencyType: String?,
* Codes see p. 177 bottom - 179
* After constant „N“
* in Kontowährung
* Max length = 15
val amount: Amount,
* in Kontowährung
* Codes see p. 177 bottom - 179
* After constant „N“
* Length = 3
val bookingKey: String,
val postingKey: String,
val referenceForTheAccountOwner: String,
* Kundenreferenz.
* Bei Nichtbelegung wird „NONREF“ eingestellt, zum Beispiel bei Schecknummer
* Wenn „KREF+“ eingestellt ist, dann erfolgt die Angabe der Referenznummer in Tag :86: .
val customerReference: String?,
val referenceOfTheAccountServicingInstitution: String?,
* Bankreferenz
val bankReference: String?,
val supplementaryDetails: String? = null
* Währungsart und Umsatzbetrag in Ursprungswährung (original currency
* amount) in folgendem
* Format:
* /OCMT/3a..15d/
* sowie Währungsart und
* Gebührenbetrag
* (charges) in folgendem
* Format:
* /CHGS/3a..15d/
* 3a = 3-stelliger
* Währungscode gemäß
* ISO 4217
* ..15d = Betrag mit Komma
* als Dezimalzeichen (gemäß SWIFT-Konvention).
* Im Falle von SEPALastschriftrückgaben ist
* das Feld /OCMT/ mit dem
* Originalbetrag und das
* Feld /CHGS/ mit der
* Summe aus Entgelten
* sowie Zinsausgleich zu
* belegen.
val furtherInformationOriginalAmountAndCharges: String? = null
) {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model
open class Transaction(
val statementLine: StatementLine,
val information: InformationToAccountOwner? = null
val information: RemittanceInformationField? = null
) {
@ -12,64 +12,36 @@ open class TanMethodSelector {
val ImageBased = listOf(TanMethodType.QrCode, TanMethodType.ChipTanQrCode, TanMethodType.photoTan, TanMethodType.ChipTanPhotoTanMatrixCode)
* NonVisualOrImageBased is a good default for most users as it lists the most simplistic ones (which also work with
* the command line) first and then continues with image based TAN methods, which for UI applications are easily to display.
val NonVisualOrImageBased = buildList {
// decoupled TAN method is the most simplistic TAN method, user only has to confirm the action in her TAN app, no manual TAN entering required
// AppTan is the second most simplistic TAN method: user has to confirm action in her TAN app and then enter the displayed TAN
addAll(listOf(TanMethodType.DecoupledTan, TanMethodType.DecoupledPushTan, TanMethodType.AppTan, TanMethodType.SmsTan, TanMethodType.EnterTan))
addAll(listOf(TanMethodType.ChipTanManuell)) // this is quite inconvenient for user, so i added it as last
open fun getSuggestedTanMethod(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type == TanMethodType.DecoupledPushTan || it.type == TanMethodType.DecoupledTan } // decoupled TAN method is the most simplistic TAN method, user only has to confirm the action in her TAN app, no manual TAN entering required
?: tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type == TanMethodType.AppTan } // that's the second most simplistic TAN method: user has to confirm action in her TAN app and then enter the displayed TAN
?: tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type != TanMethodType.ChipTanUsb && it.type != TanMethodType.SmsTan && it.type != TanMethodType.ChipTanManuell }
?: tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type != TanMethodType.ChipTanUsb && it.type != TanMethodType.SmsTan }
?: tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type != TanMethodType.ChipTanUsb }
?: first(tanMethods)
open fun getSuggestedTanMethod(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>, tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType> = emptyList()): TanMethod? {
return findPreferredTanMethod(tanMethods, NonVisualOrImageBased, tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication) // we use NonVisualOrImageBased as it provides a good default for most users
?: tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type !in tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication }
open fun findPreferredTanMethod(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>, preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>?): TanMethod? {
open fun findPreferredTanMethod(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>, preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>?, tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType> = emptyList()): TanMethod? {
preferredTanMethods?.forEach { preferredTanMethodType ->
tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type == preferredTanMethodType }?.let {
return it
if (preferredTanMethodType !in tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication) {
tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.type == preferredTanMethodType }?.let {
return it
return null
open fun nonVisual(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return findPreferredTanMethod(tanMethods, NonVisual)
?: tanMethods.firstOrNull { it.displayName.contains("manuell", true) }
open fun nonVisualOrFirst(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return nonVisual(tanMethods)
?: first(tanMethods)
open fun imageBased(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return findPreferredTanMethod(tanMethods, ImageBased)
open fun imageBasedOrFirst(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return imageBased(tanMethods)
?: first(tanMethods)
open fun nonVisualOrImageBased(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return nonVisual(tanMethods)
?: imageBased(tanMethods)
open fun nonVisualOrImageBasedOrFirst(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return nonVisual(tanMethods)
?: imageBased(tanMethods)
?: first(tanMethods)
open fun first(tanMethods: List<TanMethod>): TanMethod? {
return tanMethods.firstOrNull()
@ -10,70 +10,72 @@ import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.UnixEpochStart
open class AccountTransaction(
val amount: Money, // TODO: if we decide to stick with Money, create own type, don't use that one from fints.model (or move over from)
val unparsedReference: String, // alternative names: purpose, reason
val reference: String?, // alternative names: purpose, reason
val bookingDate: LocalDate,
val otherPartyName: String?,
val otherPartyBankCode: String?,
val otherPartyAccountId: String?,
val bookingText: String?,
val valueDate: LocalDate,
val statementNumber: Int,
val sequenceNumber: Int?,
val otherPartyName: String?,
val otherPartyBankId: String?,
val otherPartyAccountId: String?,
val postingText: String?,
val openingBalance: Money?,
val closingBalance: Money?,
val endToEndReference: String?,
val statementNumber: Int,
val sheetNumber: Int?,
val customerReference: String?,
val bankReference: String?,
val furtherInformation: String?,
val endToEndReference: String?,
val mandateReference: String?,
val creditorIdentifier: String?,
val originatorsIdentificationCode: String?,
val compensationAmount: String?,
val originalAmount: String?,
val sepaReference: String?,
val deviantOriginator: String?,
val deviantRecipient: String?,
val referenceWithNoSpecialType: String?,
val primaNotaNumber: String?,
val textKeySupplement: String?,
val currencyType: String?,
val bookingKey: String,
val referenceForTheAccountOwner: String,
val referenceOfTheAccountServicingInstitution: String?,
val supplementaryDetails: String?,
val journalNumber: String?,
val textKeyAddition: String?,
val transactionReferenceNumber: String,
val relatedReferenceNumber: String?
val orderReferenceNumber: String?,
val referenceNumber: String?,
val isReversal: Boolean
) {
// for object deserializers
internal constructor() : this(Money(Amount.Zero, ""), "", UnixEpochStart, null, null, null, null, UnixEpochStart)
internal constructor() : this(Money(Amount.Zero, ""), "", UnixEpochStart, UnixEpochStart, null, null, null, null)
constructor(amount: Money, unparsedReference: String, bookingDate: LocalDate, otherPartyName: String?, otherPartyBankCode: String?, otherPartyAccountId: String?, bookingText: String?, valueDate: LocalDate)
: this(amount, unparsedReference, bookingDate, otherPartyName, otherPartyBankCode, otherPartyAccountId, bookingText, valueDate,
0, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, "", "", null, null, "", null)
constructor(amount: Money, unparsedReference: String, bookingDate: LocalDate, valueDate: LocalDate, otherPartyName: String?, otherPartyBankId: String?, otherPartyAccountId: String?, postingText: String?)
: this(amount, unparsedReference, bookingDate, valueDate, otherPartyName, otherPartyBankId, otherPartyAccountId, postingText,
null, null, 0, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, false)
open val showOtherPartyName: Boolean
get() = otherPartyName.isNullOrBlank() == false /* && type != "ENTGELTABSCHLUSS" && type != "AUSZAHLUNG" */ // TODO
val reference: String
get() = sepaReference ?: unparsedReference
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is AccountTransaction) return false
if (amount != other.amount) return false
if (unparsedReference != other.unparsedReference) return false
if (reference != other.reference) return false
if (bookingDate != other.bookingDate) return false
if (otherPartyName != other.otherPartyName) return false
if (otherPartyBankCode != other.otherPartyBankCode) return false
if (otherPartyBankId != other.otherPartyBankId) return false
if (otherPartyAccountId != other.otherPartyAccountId) return false
if (bookingText != other.bookingText) return false
if (postingText != other.postingText) return false
if (valueDate != other.valueDate) return false
return true
@ -81,19 +83,19 @@ open class AccountTransaction(
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = amount.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + unparsedReference.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + reference.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + bookingDate.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyName?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyBankCode?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyBankId?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (otherPartyAccountId?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (bookingText?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (postingText?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + valueDate.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String {
return "$valueDate $amount $otherPartyName: $unparsedReference"
return "$valueDate $amount $otherPartyName: $reference"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ open class BankAccount(
open val currency: String = Currency.DefaultCurrencyCode, // TODO: may parse to a value object
open val accountLimit: String? = null,
open val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept: Int? = null,
open val serverTransactionsRetentionDays: Int? = null,
open val isAccountTypeSupportedByApplication: Boolean = false,
// TODO: create an enum AccountCapabilities [ RetrieveBalance, RetrieveTransactions, TransferMoney / MoneyTransfer(?), InstantPayment ]
open val supportsRetrievingTransactions: Boolean = false,
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open class FinTsClientParameter(
password: String,
open val preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
open val tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
open val preferredTanMedium: String? = null, // the ID of the medium
open val abortIfTanIsRequired: Boolean = false,
open val finTsModel: BankData? = null
@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ open class GetAccountDataParameter(
open val retrieveTransactionsTo: LocalDate? = null,
preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
preferredTanMedium: String? = null,
abortIfTanIsRequired: Boolean = false,
finTsModel: BankData? = null
) : FinTsClientParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, preferredTanMethods, preferredTanMedium, abortIfTanIsRequired, finTsModel) {
finTsModel: BankData? = null,
open val defaultBankValues: BankData? = null
) : FinTsClientParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, preferredTanMethods, tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication, preferredTanMedium, abortIfTanIsRequired, finTsModel) {
open val retrieveOnlyAccountInfo: Boolean
get() = retrieveBalance == false && retrieveTransactions == RetrieveTransactions.No
@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ open class TransferMoneyParameter(
open val instantPayment: Boolean = false,
preferredTanMethods: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication: List<TanMethodType>? = null,
preferredTanMedium: String? = null,
abortIfTanIsRequired: Boolean = false,
finTsModel: BankData? = null,
open val selectAccountToUseForTransfer: ((List<AccountData>) -> AccountData?)? = null // TODO: use BankAccount instead of AccountData
) : FinTsClientParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, preferredTanMethods, preferredTanMedium, abortIfTanIsRequired, finTsModel)
) : FinTsClientParameter(bankCode, loginName, password, preferredTanMethods, tanMethodsNotSupportedByApplication, preferredTanMedium, abortIfTanIsRequired, finTsModel)
@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ class ResponseParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
assertEquals(TanResponse.NoJobReferenceResponse, segment.jobReference)
assertEquals(TanResponse.NoChallengeResponse, segment.challenge)
assertEquals(null, segment.validityDateTimeForChallenge)
assertEquals(null, segment.tanExpirationTime)
assertEquals(null, segment.tanMediaIdentifier)
?: run { fail("No segment of type TanResponse found in ${result.receivedSegments}") }
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ class ResponseParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
assertEquals(jobReference, segment.jobReference)
assertEquals(unmaskString(challenge), segment.challenge)
assertEquals(challengeHHD_UC, segment.challengeHHD_UC)
assertEquals(null, segment.validityDateTimeForChallenge)
assertEquals(null, segment.tanExpirationTime)
assertEquals(tanMediaIdentifier, segment.tanMediaIdentifier)
?: run { fail("No segment of type TanResponse found in ${result.receivedSegments}") }
@ -1189,16 +1189,16 @@ class ResponseParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
fun parseAccountTransactionsMt940Parameters_Version4() {
// given
val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept = 90
val serverTransactionsRetentionDays = 90
// when
val result = underTest.parse("HIKAZS:21:4:4+20+1+$countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept:N'")
val result = underTest.parse("HIKAZS:21:4:4+20+1+$serverTransactionsRetentionDays:N'")
// then
assertSuccessfullyParsedSegment(result, InstituteSegmentId.AccountTransactionsMt940Parameters, 21, 4, 4)
result.getFirstSegmentById<RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters>(InstituteSegmentId.AccountTransactionsMt940Parameters)?.let { segment ->
assertEquals(countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept, segment.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept)
assertEquals(serverTransactionsRetentionDays, segment.serverTransactionsRetentionDays)
@ -1209,16 +1209,16 @@ class ResponseParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
fun parseAccountTransactionsMt940Parameters_Version6() {
// given
val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept = 90
val serverTransactionsRetentionDays = 90
// when
val result = underTest.parse("HIKAZS:23:6:4+20+1+1+$countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept:N:N'")
val result = underTest.parse("HIKAZS:23:6:4+20+1+1+$serverTransactionsRetentionDays:N:N'")
// then
assertSuccessfullyParsedSegment(result, InstituteSegmentId.AccountTransactionsMt940Parameters, 23, 6, 4)
result.getFirstSegmentById<RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters>(InstituteSegmentId.AccountTransactionsMt940Parameters)?.let { segment ->
assertEquals(countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept, segment.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept)
assertEquals(serverTransactionsRetentionDays, segment.serverTransactionsRetentionDays)
@ -1290,16 +1290,16 @@ class ResponseParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
fun parseCreditCardAccountTransactionsParameters() {
// given
val countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept = 9999
val serverTransactionsRetentionDays = 9999
// when
val result = underTest.parse("DIKKUS:15:2:4+999+1+0+$countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept:J:J'")
val result = underTest.parse("DIKKUS:15:2:4+999+1+0+$serverTransactionsRetentionDays:J:J'")
// then
assertSuccessfullyParsedSegment(result, InstituteSegmentId.CreditCardTransactionsParameters, 15, 2, 4)
result.getFirstSegmentById<RetrieveAccountTransactionsParameters>(InstituteSegmentId.CreditCardTransactionsParameters)?.let { segment ->
assertEquals(countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept, segment.countDaysForWhichTransactionsAreKept)
assertEquals(serverTransactionsRetentionDays, segment.serverTransactionsRetentionDays)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions
import net.codinux.banking.fints.FinTsTestBase
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.Mt940Parser
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model.Balance
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model.InformationToAccountOwner
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model.RemittanceInformationField
import net.codinux.banking.fints.transactions.mt940.model.StatementLine
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate
import net.codinux.banking.fints.extensions.*
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
val AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount = Amount("1234,56")
val AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyName = "Sender1"
val AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankCode = "AAAADE12"
val AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankId = "AAAADE12"
val AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId = "DE99876543210987654321"
val AccountStatement1Transaction2Amount = Amount("432,10")
val AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyName = "Receiver2"
val AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyBankCode = "BBBBDE56"
val AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyBankId = "BBBBDE56"
val AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyAccountId = "DE77987654321234567890"
val AccountStatement1ClosingBalanceAmount = Amount("13580,23")
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
val transaction = statement.transactions.first()
assertTurnover(transaction.statementLine, AccountStatement1BookingDate, AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount)
assertTransactionDetails(transaction.information, AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyName,
AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankCode, AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId)
AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankId, AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
assertEquals(BankCode, statement.bankCodeBicOrIban)
assertEquals(CustomerId, statement.accountIdentifier)
assertEquals(0, statement.statementNumber)
assertBalance(statement.openingBalance, true, bookingDate, Amount("0,00"))
assertBalance(statement.closingBalance, isCredit, bookingDate, amount)
@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
val firstTransaction = statement.transactions.first()
assertTurnover(firstTransaction.statementLine, AccountStatement1BookingDate, AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount)
assertTransactionDetails(firstTransaction.information, AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyName,
AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankCode, AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId)
AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankId, AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId)
val secondTransaction = statement.transactions[1]
assertTurnover(secondTransaction.statementLine, AccountStatement1BookingDate, AccountStatement1Transaction2Amount, false)
assertTransactionDetails(secondTransaction.information, AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyName,
AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyBankCode, AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyAccountId)
AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyBankId, AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyAccountId)
@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
assertSize(1, result.first().transactions)
result.first().transactions[0].information?.apply {
assertEquals("BASISLASTSCHRIFT", bookingText)
assertEquals("TUBDDEDD", otherPartyBankCode)
assertEquals("BASISLASTSCHRIFT", postingText)
assertEquals("TUBDDEDD", otherPartyBankId)
assertEquals("DE87300308801234567890", otherPartyAccountId)
assertEquals("6MKL2OT30QENNLIU", endToEndReference)
assertEquals("?,3SQNdUbxm9z7dB)+gKYDJAKzCM0G", mandateReference)
@ -362,13 +362,13 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
assertEquals(amount, statementLine.amount)
private fun assertTransactionDetails(details: InformationToAccountOwner?, otherPartyName: String,
otherPartyBankCode: String, otherPartyAccountId: String) {
private fun assertTransactionDetails(details: RemittanceInformationField?, otherPartyName: String,
otherPartyBankId: String, otherPartyAccountId: String) {
assertEquals(otherPartyName, details.otherPartyName)
assertEquals(otherPartyBankCode, details.otherPartyBankCode)
assertEquals(otherPartyBankId, details.otherPartyBankId)
assertEquals(otherPartyAccountId, details.otherPartyAccountId)
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
:86:166?00GUTSCHR. UEBERWEISUNG?109249?20EREF+674?21SVWZ+1908301/
EUR ${AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount}/20?2219-10-02/...?30$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankCode?31$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId
EUR ${AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount}/20?2219-10-02/...?30$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankId?31$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId
@ -393,11 +393,11 @@ class Mt940ParserTest : FinTsTestBase() {
:86:166?00GUTSCHR. UEBERWEISUNG?109249?20EREF+674?21SVWZ+1908301/
EUR ${AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount}/20?2219-10-02/...?30$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankCode?31$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId
EUR ${AccountStatement1Transaction1Amount}/20?2219-10-02/...?30$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyBankId?31$AccountStatement1Transaction1OtherPartyAccountId
EUR ${AccountStatement1Transaction2Amount}/20?2219-10-02/...?30$AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyBankCode?31$AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyAccountId
EUR ${AccountStatement1Transaction2Amount}/20?2219-10-02/...?30$AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyBankId?31$AccountStatement1Transaction2OtherPartyAccountId
Reference in New Issue