166 lines
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166 lines
6.1 KiB
import Foundation
import CoreData
import UIKit
import BankingUiSwift
class CoreDataBankingPersistence: IBankingPersistence, IRemitteeSearcher {
private let mapper = Mapper()
private let context: NSManagedObjectContext
init(context: NSManagedObjectContext) {
self.context = context
// to fix merging / updating cached objects, see Mapper
context.mergePolicy = NSMergePolicy(merge: NSMergePolicyType.mergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicyType)
func saveOrUpdateAccount(customer: ICustomer, allCustomers: [ICustomer]) {
do {
let mapped = mapper.map(customer, context)
if customer.technicalId.isCoreDataId == false { // an unpersisted bank (but check should not be necessary)
try context.save()
setIds(customer, mapped)
} catch {
NSLog("Could not save Customer \(customer): \(error)")
private func setIds(_ customer: ICustomer, _ mappedCustomer: PersistedCustomer) {
customer.technicalId = mappedCustomer.objectIDAsString
for account in customer.accounts {
if let mappedAccount = mappedCustomer.accounts?.first { ($0 as! PersistedBankAccount).identifier == account.identifier} as? PersistedBankAccount {
account.technicalId = mappedAccount.objectIDAsString
for tanProcedure in customer.supportedTanProcedures {
if let mappedTanProcedure = mappedCustomer.supportedTanProcedures?.first { ($0 as! PersistedTanProcedure).bankInternalProcedureCode == tanProcedure.bankInternalProcedureCode } as? PersistedTanProcedure {
tanProcedure.technicalId = mappedTanProcedure.objectIDAsString
for tanMedium in customer.tanMedia {
if let mappedTanMedium = mappedCustomer.tanMedia?.first { ($0 as! PersistedTanMedium).displayName == tanMedium.displayName } as? PersistedTanMedium {
tanMedium.technicalId = mappedTanMedium.objectIDAsString
func readPersistedAccounts_() -> [ICustomer] {
var customers: [PersistedCustomer] = []
do {
let request: NSFetchRequest<PersistedCustomer> = PersistedCustomer.fetchRequest()
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
try customers = context.fetch(request)
} catch {
NSLog("Could not request Customers: \(error)")
return customers.map( { mapper.map($0) } )
func deleteAccount(customer: ICustomer, allCustomers: [ICustomer]) {
do {
let mapped = mapper.map(customer, context)
try context.save()
} catch {
NSLog("Could not delete Customer \(customer): \(error)")
func saveOrUpdateAccountTransactions(bankAccount: IBankAccount, transactions: [IAccountTransaction]) {
if let persistedAccount = context.objectByID(bankAccount.technicalId) as? PersistedBankAccount {
for transaction in transactions {
if transaction.technicalId.isCoreDataId == false { // TODO: or also update already persisted transactions?
do {
let mappedTransaction = mapper.map(persistedAccount, transaction, context)
try context.save()
transaction.technicalId = mappedTransaction.objectIDAsString
} catch {
NSLog("Could not save transaction \(transaction.buildTransactionIdentifier()) of account \(bankAccount.displayName): \(error)")
func saveUrlToFile(url: String, file: URL) {
if let remoteUrl = URL.encoded(url) {
if let fileData = try? Data(contentsOf: remoteUrl) {
do {
try UIImage(data: fileData)?.pngData()?.write(to: file)
} catch {
NSLog("Could not save url '\(url)' to file '\(file): \(error)")
// not indented for this kind of data but at least it works
UserDefaults.standard.set(fileData, forKey: file.absoluteString)
func readContentOfFile(_ filePath: String) -> Data? {
return UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: filePath)
func findRemittees(query: String) -> [Remittee] {
var transactions: [PersistedAccountTransaction] = []
do {
let request: NSFetchRequest<PersistedAccountTransaction> = PersistedAccountTransaction.fetchRequest()
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "otherPartyName CONTAINS[c] %@", query)
request.propertiesToFetch = [ "otherPartyName", "otherPartyBankCode", "otherPartyAccountId" ]
request.sortDescriptors = [ NSSortDescriptor(key: "otherPartyName", ascending: true) ]
try transactions = context.fetch(request)
} catch {
NSLog("Could not request Customers: \(error)")
let remittees = transactions
.filter { $0.otherPartyAccountId != nil } // if IBAN is not set we cannot make use of it
.map( { Remittee(name: $0.otherPartyName ?? "", iban: $0.otherPartyAccountId, bic: $0.otherPartyBankCode, bankName: nil) } )
let uniqueRemittees = Set<Remittee>(remittees)
return Array(uniqueRemittees)
func deleteAll() {
do {
let request = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "PersistedCustomer")
let deleteAll = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: request)
try context.execute(deleteAll)
} catch {
NSLog("Could not delete all Customers: \(error)")