61eb739613Added convenience methods for getAccountData() and transferMony()dankito2022-02-25 20:45:33 +0100
8d9855efe8Added log output to inform for which time period accounts transactions are fetcheddankito2022-02-24 20:59:27 +0100
bed96199c8Implemented writing account transactions to CSV files (with a very primitive CSV file writer)dankito2022-02-24 02:42:23 +0100
ed66168c0bImplemented serializing transactions to JSONdankito2022-02-24 02:13:37 +0100
85d6b079d6If there is more than one bank account that supports money transfer, implemented callback to ask user which one to usedankito2022-02-24 00:22:05 +0100
d442c02964Implemented transferring money via command linedankito2022-02-24 00:00:07 +0100
ad826941ddCreated BicFinder with BankFinder so that we can determine a German BIC from bank code or a German IBANdankito2022-02-23 02:59:10 +0100
6512f45955Implemented command line option retrieveTransactionsForLastNDaysdankito2022-02-22 23:00:14 +0100
f7cde961aeAdded command line options to native app to set retrieveBalance, retrieveTransactions, retrieveTransactionsFrom, retrieveTransactionsTo, preferredTanMethod and abortIfRequiresTandankito2022-02-22 01:47:14 +0100
647f60a13dAdded printing bank account balancedankito2022-02-21 23:44:31 +0100
3368c70202Renamed getAccountData() to getAccountDataAsync() and added extensions methods for blocking calls to itdankito2022-02-21 23:42:45 +0100
3ed9e10c22Created FinTsServerAddressFinder with BankListCreator to easily retrieve a FinTS server address to a bank codedankito2022-02-21 01:07:00 +0100
9e161c3658Using now stackTraceToString() instead of StackTraceHelperdankito2022-02-14 23:50:05 +0100
4ec366f7cdMade clearer that sendMessageAndHandleResponse() starts a new dialogdankito2022-02-14 00:45:13 +0100
0888166466Renamed FinTsClient to FinTsClientDeprecateddankito2022-02-13 23:56:18 +0100
e5f9371e56Implemented printing at least exceptiondankito2022-02-13 22:59:43 +0100
ec9bfa8168Implemented little command line application to test Kotlin/Native implementationdankito2022-02-13 22:59:09 +0100
7534c6eb54Extracted postInCoroutine() and created a blocking WebClient for Kotlin/Native so that mutable objects don't get passed between threads in Kotlin/Nativedankito2022-02-13 22:07:11 +0100
9746e419d1Moved all extensions to package 'extensions' and grouped them by classdankito2022-02-12 13:52:45 +0100
fe69174db9Removed all classes and methods from multiplatform-utils that aren't called by fints4kdankito2022-02-12 13:33:50 +0100
d56833e1efRenamed module common to multiplatform-utilsdankito2022-02-12 00:26:12 +0100
f637897dc3Removed ui, persistence and rest projects (will be moved to separate repositories) and deactivated tools projects. Removed Android target and using now JVM instead of JVM6. Updated to Kotlin 1.6.10 which works much better for KMPP. Could therefore remove packForXcode() tasksdankito2022-02-11 23:53:35 +0100
3c096d655fFixed that previous dialog's chunkedResponseHandler hasn't been set on next dialog (is important when retrieving transactions and user chose to change TAN method or -media)dankito2021-11-21 18:40:17 +0100
c9884a380eFixed that initDialogWithStrongCustomerAuthentication() JobContext.startNewDialog() hasn't been called causing message number to be 2 instead of 1 (and institution therefore to abort this dialog)dankito2021-11-14 21:51:41 +0100
6d48382a7eAs messageLogWithoutSensitiveData gets called for sure removing sensitive data upfront nowdankito2021-11-13 15:27:12 +0100
e87adc8499Clarified that getTransactionsAsync() only retrieves the transactions of one account; also fixed data model in regard to thisdankito2021-11-13 15:17:06 +0100
e90579a1b7Added isPinLocked to FinTsClientResponse; also explicitly added it to successful, even though it's already contained in responseContainsErrorsdankito2021-11-13 14:01:37 +0100
462917467dCreating message for message log now directly in fints4k, no need to translate itdankito2021-11-13 02:22:56 +0100
6aa03bcad2Implemented setting current message type on DialogContext; logging job and message typedankito2021-11-13 00:47:39 +0100
fba6c2a0d5Implemented also logging dialog numberdankito2021-11-13 00:17:18 +0100
4c70412058Fixed that Mt940Parser's logAppender got overriddendankito2021-11-12 23:58:11 +0100
7ad0656c9bFixed that ResponseParser logs didn't get added to LogCollector; had therefore to add ResponseParser to JobContextdankito2021-11-12 23:57:32 +0100
471fd0caf4Collecting now message on JobContext (makes FinTsClient, FinTsJobExecutor and RequestExecutor state free); moved therefore Mt940AccountTransactionsParser to JobContextdankito2021-11-12 22:31:07 +0100
b57847b4f2Fixed that message is not a FinTS messagedankito2021-11-12 21:32:04 +0100
7d185a805cUsing now JobContext as MessageBaseDatadankito2021-11-12 21:21:32 +0100
f3552248dcMoved ProductData to JobContext and implemented that startNewDialog() create DialogContextdankito2021-11-12 20:53:00 +0100
0a9b31b393Created JobContext to have a cross dialog context per job and to be able to set FinTsClientCallback (and later on other objects) on a job basisdankito2021-11-12 20:36:49 +0100
d5573817efFixed that if a message is received that tells us a TAN is required than callback and there updateBankAndCustomerDataIfResponseSuccessful() doesn't get called for this received message - but which is absolutely required for Hypovereinsbankdankito2021-11-12 17:18:29 +0100
3363e427beCalling updateBankAndCustomerDataIfResponseSuccessful() after each received message nowdankito2021-11-12 17:11:39 +0100
e6772055a8Bumped version to 1.0.0-Alpha-10dankito2021-11-06 17:12:07 +0100
c75129650aUpdated targetSdkVersion to 30 as otherwise Google wouldn't let me publish app on PlayStoredankito2021-11-06 16:55:26 +0100
0f0f2a4f73Extracted constants so that configuration is visible at one glancedankito2021-11-06 16:20:05 +0100
eb4d2333c7Reduced Bcrypt cost to 6 as with 12 on my old phone decryption took 2,5 secondsdankito2021-11-06 16:16:35 +0100
0b73e6387eUpdated bank list to version from 21.10.2021dankito2021-11-06 15:32:55 +0100
42a360022eFixed ignoring rows that only contain an index numberdankito2021-11-06 15:31:37 +0100
cc17fa8f0dFixed that Gradle can't find BankFinder projectdankito2021-11-06 15:30:56 +0100
4f8ce829cdImplemented when user explicitly presses 'Update transactions' button, then account.includeInAutomaticAccountsUpdate is ignored. But may still check for bank.wrongCredentialsEntered ?dankito2021-11-06 14:30:04 +0100
8687320ef3Fixed that if hideAccount changes also selectedAccounts have to be updated (e.g. a now hidden account should not be displayed and not be selected anymore)dankito2021-11-06 14:19:06 +0100
ab9de8ebdbFixed that allAccounts and allTransactions also contained hidden accountsdankito2021-11-06 13:54:52 +0100
43450ebc4fFixed that callback always gets called to that UI can reset its state (e.g. re-enable to Update Transactions Button)dankito2021-11-06 13:42:01 +0100
c50295895bImplemented restoring displayed transactions after onStop()dankito2021-11-06 13:19:36 +0100
f99e5ad96fFixed that doAutomaticAccountsUpdate() has been commented outdankito2021-11-06 02:02:07 +0100
fc243f2a54Some transactions are twice or trice in database; fixed at least that they are not displayed anymore twice or trice in UIdankito2021-11-06 02:00:44 +0100
babc74179aBy default transactions don't get sorted anymore. Is not required in all casesdankito2021-11-06 01:59:15 +0100
2cc5408857Added initializedListeners to IBankingPersistencedankito2021-11-05 23:33:05 +0100
cf7a52f19eFixed using https address of JFrog repodankito2021-11-03 00:54:11 +0100
6aa7694ed6Fixed determining if it's a numeric TANdankito2021-11-03 00:52:37 +0100